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Results for "Employer"
More time for the children thanks to the childcare center app
Say goodbye to paperwork: In our pme Lernwelten-childcare centers we plan and document the childcare center daily routine with a single app - and save a lot of time.
Fat in business" campaign
Putting an end to stereotypes and prejudices. The "Dick im Geschäft" campaign advocates a positive approach to obesity in working life.
Gaby Köster: "I can still see the joke even in the biggest chaos"
Comedy queen Gaby Köster suffered a stroke in 2008. Resignation was not an option for her. In this interview, she tells us how she never lost heart.
Gaby Köster: "I can still see the joke even in the biggest chaos"
pme Familienservice - Work-life pioneer since 1992 On behalf of more than 1,400 employers...pme Familienservice - work-life pioneer since 1992 On behalf of more than...
pme academy
Flexible work locations
" Flexible work locations The use of modern communication technology enables employees to work at flexible locations.
Middle class and family
Starting school after lockdown: tips for parents
Even though the pandemic is not yet over, most students are returning to face-to-face lessons. For many families, the decision is a relief, but it also comes with...
Loneliness: "Most people find it difficult to ask for help"
People who commute a lot or work from home can become lonely in the long term. An interview with psychiatrist and psychotherapist Dr. Udo Wortelboer about loneliness.
Online childcare: Book now!
Vacation care in your own nursery? To relieve parents in times of Corona, the pme Familienservice has developed a virtual vacation program for children.
BEM discussion: Practical experience report
Carolin Lang was unable to work for several months. To reintegrate into work, she went through the occupational integration management process - BEM for short.
Ricarda Memel: Reaching the goal with empowerment
Ricarda Memel is Managing Director of TEAMWILLE GmbH. In this interview, she talks about her career and her drive to shape things herself. For her, "empowerment" plays a major...
Ricarda Memel: Reaching the goal with empowerment
from the terms of the contract conditions between pme Familienservice GmbH and your employer. your employer
Ricarda Memel: Mit Empowerment ans Ziel
Employers benefit from a measurable Employers benefit from a measurable reduction in costs and increase in productivity...Employers benefit from a measurable reduction in costs and increase in...
Flexible work locations
Flexible work locations - teleworking / home office / mobile office The use of modern information and communication technologies makes it possible to work at very different locations. Whether...
Middle class and family
Automation as a job killer?
Should we be afraid of robots taking over our jobs? Gunter Dueck says: No! But we have to learn and re-learn.
Working models
Flexible working models - an introduction The optimal organization and use of working time and place of work can be decisive instruments for reconciling the interests of a company with those of its...
Middle class and family
Working models
However, a notification to the employer that parental allowance is received, however...employment before the birth must be proven. § SECTION 9 BEEG therefore obliges the...
Middle class and family
Working models
"The consequences are serious for employees and The consequences are serious for employees andemployers ", says Helmut Schröder... "The consequences are serious for employees and employers...
Major project completed: The pme Familienservice Group opens the "EntdeckerWelt" as the third childcare center in the Lehrte area in newly created rooms
After two years, the pme Familienservice Group opens the last of three planned daycare centers under the independent sponsorship of Global Education gGmbH.
Overcome loneliness, live happier in old age
People who socialize in old age feel better. Tips from eldercare expert Jürgen Griesbeck.
What I would like for Women's Day
Today is International Women's Day. But what makes this day so special for women?