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Results for "Employees"
"The employee is free to decide after this initial information meeting,
Care Strengthening Act II
" Care Reinforcement Act II Since 2017, the new law has improved the financial and organizational status of outpatient care models.
Change in the law: what will change in 2024
These changes for employers and employees will come into force in 2024.
Linde AG: The BEM process in a large corporation
The pme Familienservice supports employees:innen in getting back to work with the help of company integration management (BEM).
Linde AG: The BEM process in a large corporation
This gives the employeegreater flexibility
Middle class and family
Corona and loss of earnings: How you can save money
Basic income support, housing benefit, child allowance and more: the latest regulations and decisions on state subsidies during the coronavirus crisis.
Flexible work locations
" Flexible work locations The use of modern communication technology enables employees to work at flexible locations.
Middle class and family
SMEs: How to make yourself attractive to skilled workers!
01.09.2017 Sabrina Ludwig 8497 Occupational safety, DIN standards, work-life balance: molaris strengthens the health and safety of your employees. Are you an entrepreneur with fewer than 50...
Working with Long Covid: a case study
Company integration management helped Sandra Schulze back to work after a long absence due to Long Covid.
Working with Long Covid: a case study
Components of EA programs Many companies in Germany offer their employees...According to Booz & Company, company sickness costs per...
Flexible work locations
Flexible work locations - teleworking / home office / mobile office The use of modern information and communication technologies makes it possible to work at very different locations. Whether...
Middle class and family
Working models
Flexible working models - an introduction The optimal organization and use of working time and place of work can be decisive instruments for reconciling the interests of a company with those of its...
Middle class and family
What to do about Quiet Quitting?
There is often only a fine line between quiet quitting and inner resignation. Tips for employees and employers from business trainer Nina Lizon.
Productive but invisible? Working in the home office
While in some companies working from home is standard practice, other employers are still very hesitant on this subject. What is certain is that teleworking has a number of advantages...
Study: Compatibility 2.0 means more return on investment
A study conducted by Roland Berger GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) shows that the "return potential of NEW compatibility" is up to 40 percent.
Part-time managers: "An eye for the unimportant"
Part-time leadership: How does leadership work without a permanent presence in the company? Interview with expert Brigitte Abrell.
Virtual teams: Successful leadership from the home office
Teams scattered across cities or continents, working from home: how do you lead virtual teams? What new skills and challenges does remote work pose for managers?
Virtual teams: Successful leadership from the home office
The more employees who grow up and demand new ways of working, the faster
Virtual teams: Successful leadership from the home office
updated Gallup study on employee retention found that only 15 out of 100 Federal Statistical Office, Wiesbaden (Microcensus 2015, Fachserie 1 Reihe...
Leading in absentia: Can you succeed in a top job part-time?
Part-time leadership: How does leadership work without a permanent presence in the company? Interview with expert Brigitte Abrell.