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Results for "Public sector"
20230424_Agenda_pme_Kindertagespflegekongress_2023 1.pdf
Product managers Child day care (nationwide) and Alexandra Stieper, Head of Division "Public...Product manager Child day care (nationwide)...
pme academy
Our diversity campaigns
The German Diversity Day takes place every year in June on the initiative of the Diversity Charter. We take part. Our activities at a glance. 6th Diversity: "Colorful Birds" - Award...
Butterfly hug: acute help for stress or anxiety
Sweating, palpitations, dizziness, acute feelings of being overwhelmed: master acute physical and mental stress situations quickly and effectively with the butterfly hug.
Climate & environmental protection
To be credible as a company, you need more than just fair working conditions, customer orientation and high quality: a truly modern company is characterized by responsible business practices and...