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Kids & Co. Back-up
" Kids & Co. Back-up Kids & Co. Back-up is a company back-up facility for childcare in emergency and problem situations.
Kids & Co. Back-up
Emergency care in a pme back-up facility
If the childminder is ill or childcare center is closed, our back-up facilities ensure that childcare is available. Because emergencies don't come knocking: highly flexible childcare in...
Take a break! - Career starters work restlessly
22.08.2016 Kerstin Altrock 4902 Relaxation at work - the internet is full of tips and instructions on how to stay productive with active recovery times. But things often look different in everyday life....
Life crises influence the job
02.10.2017 Daniel Sebastian Erler 2906 Private crises have a significant impact on the employment of the people affected. This is shown by a survey conducted by the Scientific Institute of the AOK (WIdO),...