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Results for "Public sector"
First aid tip on how to deal with anxiety in a more relaxed way
Fear of falling, of too much closeness, of too little closeness: Tips on how to get out of the powerlessness of anxiety by therapist Matthias Könning.
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
Episode 33: Can we also draw something positive from uncertainty? How do we overcome fear and draw new strength from it?
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
Time management Resilience Duration: approx. 2.5 hours Take your inner sloth by the hand
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
Time management Resilience Duration: approx. 2.5 hours Take your inner sloth by the hand
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
Children can stretch out nicely, the babies are safe in the carrier and you have your hands free.
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
Labor, Social Affairs, Family and Inte Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and the Hand
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
You will have to spend some money on this, but it will be worth it in the long term
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
Only those who know that their children are in good hands can approach their careers with a clear head...Those who know that their children are in good hands can...
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
Only those who know that their children are in good hands can approach their careers with a clear head...Those who know that their children are in good hands can...
7 tips for a relaxed time change
On October 27, the clocks will be set to winter time. Our tips will make the changeover easier for you.
"Managers need squash-point competence"
Above all, the modern manager must act in an agile manner and be a role model for their team members. Gaby Hamm-Brink, trainer at the pme Academy, explains in an interview how this can be achieved.
" Childminding Childminding offers highly flexible afternoon care for schoolchildren.
G20 summit: pme looks after the children of the police
20.07.2017 Isabel Hempel 2022 On the fringes of the G20 summit, the pme Familienservice Group looked after the children of the Hamburg police. How is it possible to reconcile family and work under extreme...
7 tips for spring cleaning - how to make it work!
pme cleaning expert Angela Lochmann reveals seven ingenious tips for effective spring cleaning.
Power Posing: Catalyst for success
Power posing has a positive effect on your mind. Because certain postures strengthen our psyche.
Power Posing: Catalyst for success
Together we would like to do handicrafts with you and your children. with you and your children.
Einstein CompanyKids
Power Posing: Catalyst for success
of joint career guidance is that you do not have to take the helm yourself.
Power Posing: Catalyst for success
You will have to spend some money on this, but it will be worth it in the long term
IKEA and pme against domestic violence
Domestic violence: IKEA Germany has developed support services together with the pme Familienservice to help affected employees.
pme donates: Climate protection Göttingen
Interview with Rainer-W. Hoffmann, 83-year-old climate activist and founder of the "Klimaschutz Göttingen" association, on how to get people excited about climate protection with clever campaigns.
pme donates: Climate protection Göttingen
Akademie gGmbH), Greeting Alexandra Stieper (Head of pme Academy Division Public
pme academy
pme donates: Climate protection Göttingen
Akademie gGmbH), Greeting Alexandra Stieper (Head of pme Academy Division Public
pme academy
pme donates: Climate protection Göttingen
Akademie gGmbH), Greeting Alexandra Stieper (Head of pme Academy Division Public
pme academy
Bosch and the DFB focus on mental training
Like the German Football Association (DFB), the Bosch technology group focuses on mental training. Managers and professional athletes train with the Mindance app for mental health, among other things.
5 tips on how to lead a hybrid team
Leading hybrid teams is a new challenge for managers. Our leadership trainer Mario Müller gives you five tips on how to achieve good collaboration in your team....
Beratung und Angebote des pme Familienservice
Advice and services provided by pme Familienservice pme Familienservice GmbH offers a comprehensive range of advice and placement services in the field of homecare eldercare....
Middle class and family
What is a health care proxy?
With a health care proxy, you make provisions in the event that you are no longer able to manage your own affairs.
Corona: Parents and pregnant women under pressure
Studies show that pregnant women and parents of young children are under particular strain during the pandemic. We give tips for more self-care.
What relieves the burden on family caregivers?
Many people care for a relative. But caring at home is stressful. Good advice on support services can help.
What relieves the burden on family caregivers?
of joint career guidance is that you do not have to take the helm yourself.
What relieves the burden on family caregivers?
Take a sheet of paper and a pencil.
What relieves the burden on family caregivers?
Take a sheet of paper and a pencil.
pme donates: Girl's Menarche educates about menstruation
Girl's Menarche wants to break down the stigmatization of menstruation in Uganda. pme supports this.
pme donates: Girl's Menarche educates about menstruation
Then we will get to know the the art of baking bread and of course we will bake it ourselves. hand...Then we will get to know the the art of baking bread and, of course, we will also ourselves...
"Sexuality is part of child development"
21.08.2019 Sabrina Ludwig 8359 When it comes to children's sexuality, many parents are self-conscious or embarrassed. But why is that? Sex educator explains how an open approach can be successful...
Career guidance in Corona times - tips for parents
Reduced contacts, canceled training fairs, canceled internships: During the coronavirus pandemic, many young people are facing major challenges when it comes to career guidance.
Relaunch: The new Mindance app is here!
The unique all-in-one platform for health, EAP and leadership offers solutions for everyone. Health has never been so easy.
Digital leadership: what skills are needed?
The pandemic has made digital working the new normal. But how does remote leadership work? And what new leadership skills are needed?
Portrait: Little cloud stormers Bonn
Big, colorful and adorable: that's our childcare center Kleine Wolkenstürmer in Bonn.
Go Germany: Advice for expats
The new "Go Germany" advisory service offers expats individual support in settling in Germany. Find out more now!