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Results for "Employer"
We as an employer
Allgäu - Lake Constance
We as an employer
Prague (Czech Republic)
We as an employer
Appearance in the workplace: What are employers allowed to specify?
Too short, too fat, too many piercings for a job? Employers would like to have a say in the appearance of employees. This applies to...
Cancer in the workplace: How employers can provide support
Cancer puts employees under enormous pressure. How HR and managers can support them during their absence and after their return.
pme Familienservice receives multiple awards in 2025
The pme Familienservice Group is one of the top employers in Germany in 2025 and
Psyche and work: what managers can do
How do I recognize psychological stress in my employees? Dr. Udo Wortelboer, a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, explains what managers can do.
Violence at home: How employers can help
For those who experience violence at home, the workplace often becomes a protected space. Managers can effectively support victims of violence.
Long Covid in the company: what employers can do
Jürgen Griesbeck from pme Familienservice has 9 tips on how to deal with this insidious disease.
Mental health: why employers should pay attention to it
Mental health matters! What companies can do to support employees in mental crises.
pme receives 7th audit berufundfamilie certificate
25.06.2019 Sabrina Ludwig 4712 (Berlin, 25.06.2019) The pme Familienservice Group is the first employer in the 21-year history of the audit berufundfamilie...
pme receives 7th audit berufundfamilie certificate relaunch
pme receives 7th audit berufundfamilie certificate
Change in the law: what will change in 2024
These changes for employers and employees will come into force in 2024.
What to do about Quiet Quitting?
Tips for employees and employers from business trainer Nina Lizon.
Relief in all situations
With Employee Assistance Programs, employers can employers improve the health of their employees
Award-winning: pme Familienservice receives two awards
As a "Leading Employer", the pme Familienservice is among the top 1 percent of the best employers. employers
What is BEM? - Procedure and advantages
Company integration management (BEM) is a complex process that can be difficult for employers
pme Familienservice is Leading Employer 2021
Group was named LEADING EMPLOYER 2021, making it one of the top 1 percent of the best employers
Alcohol in the workplace: Interview with affected employee
His employer is now helping him to overcome his addiction - with the help of
Productive but invisible? Working in the home office
While working from home is sometimes standard in some companies, other employers
Awarded for the third time: pme Familienservice is Leading Employer 2021
Group was named LEADING EMPLOYER 2021, making it one of the top 1 percent of the best employers
Chronically ill at work: how managers can provide support
Tips and guidelines on how you as an employer and managers of chronically ill employees
What is business yoga?
Encourage with yoga in the workplace employers the health of their employees
Little control and lots of freedom
(Focus Special "Best Employers 2016", 09.02.2016) Balancing private life and work - more than two decades ago, the pme Familienservice Group developed a...
Boomerang Hiring: Winning back former employees
Bringing in new talent with "Boomerang Hiring employers former employees back into the company
Avoiding generational conflicts in the workplace
Baby boomers, Generation X, Y and Z: Useful tips on how to employers generational conflicts
Meaning and work: "Companies must reflect values"
"An employerthat encourages me to build a culture in which I can feel
The best companies for families
(Special issue Parents, 11/2016) The magazine ELTERN and the statistics portal statista wanted to know: Who are the most family-friendly employers in Germany in 2016? The...
Family friendliness keeps mothers
Changing jobs during parental leave? Mothers return to family-friendly companies sooner and faster.
Job and family: many companies offer models
(working@office, 08/2016) Young mothers who want to return to work early need reliable childcare. Employers can help them...
IHK special prize for EXXETA GmbH
(wirtschaft, 05/2017) IHK Leipzig awards the special prize for family-friendly employer to EXXETA GmbH. Among other things, employees can use the services...
The recipe for success in recruiting skilled workers
The recipe for combating the shortage of skilled workers: promoting re-entry, employment subject to social security contributions instead of mini-jobs. Tips from Perspektive Wiedereinstieg.
The pme cosmos at a glance
Slim, compact, refreshingly different - our new company brochure provides an overview of the entire pme cosmos
The pme cosmos at a glance
Care and work: what employers can do Care report 2020: Caring for relatives...How employers can support....Tips for...
Care time and family care time
Care leave and family care leave The Care Leave Act, which has been in force since July 1, 2008, and the Family Care Leave Act, which has been in force since January 1, 2012, are intended to make it easier for working people to reconcile...
Middle class and family
Care time and family care time
Care and work: what employers can do Caring relatives are under a great deal of strain...What employers can do to support....Tips for...
A sympathetic ear - Our MAIV
The employee interest group (MAIV) is the bridge between employer and employee and stands up for the interests of its colleagues. The...
Advice for employees with a low income
Turn your employees into financial professionals. And ensure the performance of your employees.
Advice for employees with a low income
Many employers are unsettled by the current situation and do not want to...In principle, the so-called operational risk doctrine applies here: the...