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Results for "Employer"
Anti-bullying initiative "Dick im Geschäft"
Big business: Satisfied and healthy team members at pme.
"I'm curvy and don't want to hide"
Dick im Geschäft lives from the likeable people who lend their faces to the campaign. One of them is Eirini from Greece. She is an English speaker at the pme...
Your re-entry - just a click away!
Your return to work is just a mouse click away. Get advice at the SHERO Empowerment online congress.
Your re-entry - just a click away!
employee friendliness and maintain their status as a fair employer.
Cooperation: Living in old age with pme and bring-together
pme Familienservice and bring-together launch cooperation to support people in setting up and running subsidized shared care homes.
Longevity: A lifetime of good health at work
These 5 health trends will keep you fit and healthy throughout your (working) life. With self-reflection questions for HR and personnel managers.
Generational change in the company: Six tips
Goodbye baby boomers, hello Generation Z! Tips and strategies on how companies can manage the generational change and attract young talent.
What does a generation manager do?
Generation manager: Everything you need to know about training, content and benefits. Establish successful generation management in your company.
SME? Worry-free at a fixed price
How can an SME successfully compete with the attractive work packages of large corporations and attract and retain capable employees at a reasonable cost?
Home office to combat commuter stress?
19.04.2017 Daniel Sebastian Erler 4373 The number of commuters and their journeys to work continues to increase. A sign of increased flexibility, but also a demonstrable burden on the physical and mental health of...
Anja, the dog whisperer
When Mia the dog enters Frankfurt's childcare center "Kids' Chance 2", all the children immediately become a little quieter. They know that noise is not good for the golden retriever dog's ears and so they...
Working, caring, overloaded
20.09.2016 Gabriele Strasser 2571 Who provides informal care? What is the situation of caregivers? What are the long-term prospects for informal care? These questions were addressed by the...
Play and romp above the rooftops of Frankfurt: pme Familienservice celebrates new childcare center "Kids Marienturm"
The new company-related childcare center is located in the 155-meter-high commercial building in the heart of Frankfurt.
Award for best customer hotline
(Berlin, November 30, 2020) As a pioneer of the first German "Employee Assistance Program" (EAP) hotline, the pme Familienservice Group receives the "Germany's Best Customer Hotlines" award.
Anu is our childcare provider of the year 2020
For the eighth time, we have chosen the KiP of the Year. This time, a family from Berlin was able to count itself lucky. They have the best and most loving childcare provider. Anu M. was awarded with so...
Heat risk: what helps older people
Extreme heat can be dangerous for older people. The best tips for getting through the summer in good health.
pme Familienservice and Bright Horizons seal partnership
Bright Horizons Family Solutions, one of the leading international providers of corporate childcare, and the pme Familienservice Group agree on a strategic partnership.
DAK study: Three times more days absent due to mental health issues
In the last 20 years, significantly more employees have taken sick leave due to mental health problems. This is shown by a long-term study by DAK. Depression is the most common cause.
Episode 31: AD(H)S in adults: Chaos or strength?
Episode 31: AD(H)S affects many areas of life - from career choices to relationships. In this podcast, we talk to AD(H)S coach Sabina Pahlke about symptoms, diagnosis and strategies.
This is how it works: Settle the digital estate
Facebook, Instagram, cloud storage and online services such as Spotify or Netflix: it is advisable to make arrangements for your digital estate. You can find tips on this in our blog post.
Award for virtual childcare
The pme Familienservice shows innovative spirit in the Corona crisis. We have now been recognized for our virtual childcare by "Beyond Crisis", an initiative of "Germany - Land of Ideas",...
Senior coaching: advice on all issues relating to old age
Age brings with it many questions. With our senior coaching service, we offer direct advice for family members of working people.
Livestream: Turning shit into gold
Coach Eva Klein shows how to turn crises into successes with the Goldilock principle.
pme Familienservice Group opens childcare center "ForscherWelt" in Lehrte-Sievershausen
The childcare center "ForscherWelt" in Lehrte-Sievershausen officially opens on March 15, 2021. 25 children are cared for in each of two kindergarten groups and 15 children in a crèche group. The free...
pme Familienservice Group opens childcare center "ForscherWelt" in Lehrte-Sievershausen
A family-friendly employer is often understood to be one that is primarily
pme Familienservice Group opens childcare center "ForscherWelt" in Lehrte-Sievershausen
dependent on the contractual conditions between pme Familienservice GmbH and your employer
pme Familienservice Group opens childcare center "ForscherWelt" in Lehrte-Sievershausen
Page 1 Backing by employers and the pme Familienservice Alexandra
What is an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?
Increase employee loyalty: Everything you need to know about an Employee Assancce Program: Areas of advice, quality features, costs, practical examples.
What is an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?
Assistance programs - i.e. employee support programs - are offers from employers. programs offered by employers...the increasing importance of family of family-conscious personnel policy for the...
Hands-on course for children: facing fear with courage
Facing fear with courage in times like these? In order to support children and families in these tense times (pandemic, war, etc.), we are now broadcasting the 1st episode of...
pme academy
"The Care Strengthening Act II is a small revolution"
01.09.2016 Kerstin Altrock 2799 The Care Reinforcement Act II will be implemented from January 2017. Jürgen Griesbeck explains what this means for people in need of care and their relatives,...
"Teams need meaningful service agreements"
How does digitalization affect the work-life balance? pme Managing Director Alexa Ahmad in an interview.
Care Strengthening Act II is a small revolution
" Care Reinforcement Act II is a small revolution Jürgen Griesbeck explains what the new law means for people in need of care and their relatives.
Care Strengthening Act II is a small revolution
" Care Reinforcement Act II is a small revolution Jürgen Griesbeck explains what the new law means for people in need of care and their relatives.
pme - Weil ich es bin!
We are focusing on the future in our childcare facilities. I am convinced that digital achievements are part of our lives and that children should be prepared for the future as early as...
"With us, everything works on a pure basis of trust"
Natalie Seitz is a mother of two and heads up the business software team at pme Familienservice - often from her desk at home. How does that work? We spoke to the...
Mindful minds: Mental strength for your employees
Mindfulness and resilience with Mindful Minds: the 8-week program for more strength and resilience in everyday working life.
6 great (game) apps for children and childcare center
Beautiful apps for children and practical helpers for everyday life childcare center: a selection of the best apps.
80 new places: The pme Familienservice Group opens childcare center "AbenteuerWelt" in Ahlten
(Ahlten, 24.09.2021) The pme Familienservice Group is already opening the second of three planned daycare centers in the Lehrte area.
75 years of Peter Zwegat: Debt is not taboo!
Debt is not embarrassing. Peter Zwegat's show "Raus aus den Schulden" (Get out of debt) has made debt counselling popular and removed the taboo surrounding it. Today would be his 75th birthday.