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Results for "Public sector"
Episode 21: Nicole Staudinger: Talking about cancer
The author Nicole Staudinger was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 32. With great openness, she reports 10 years later on how it is possible to talk about the "unspeakable".
Episode 20: Burn on: Always under stress
Episode 20: Always under stress, always on the verge of a breakdown. But you never burn out. This chronic state of exhaustion is called "burnout".
Glide into the harbor of relaxation with the breathing sail
Say goodbye to stress: with this breathing exercise you will quickly find peace and reduce stress. In just a few minutes.
Episode 27: Breaking through relationship patterns
Why do we always fall into the same traps in relationships? And how do we get out of them? Podcast with the well-known psychologist Stefanie Stahl.
Episode 26: Talking to people with dementia
Learn how validation, biography work and basal stimulation make communication with dementia patients easier.
Episode 26: Talking to people with dementia
Familienservice As a strong partner in outplacement consulting - "Everything from a single source
Episode 26: Talking to people with dementia
inclu- catering and overnight stay - with you get everything "from one from one source
Episode 26: Talking to people with dementia
Or put your hand there and feel whether this makes it easier.
Major project completed: The pme Familienservice Group opens the "EntdeckerWelt" as the third childcare center in the Lehrte area in newly created rooms
After two years, the pme Familienservice Group opens the last of three planned daycare centers under the independent sponsorship of Global Education gGmbH.
7 tips on how to keep your children busy in the home office
Corona crisis: How to keep your children occupied while still working.
7 tips on how to keep your children busy in the home office
You can reach it by public transport from Mainz main station
pme academy
7 tips on how to keep your children busy in the home office
A sixth step leads to the formulation of future topics for the own hand...Parents will appreciate the offer of "everything from one-stopshop"...
pme learning worlds
7 tips on how to keep your children busy in the home office
A sixth step leads to the formulation of future topics for the own hand...Parents will appreciate the offer of "everything from one-stopshop"...
Bumble Bees I
Leadership: "Dear employee, what can I do for you?"
14.02.2017 Sabrina Ludwig 11333 If you want to improve your company's balance sheet in the future, you have to focus on humanity. 5 leadership trends. Anyone who wants to improve their company's...
Healthy eating in the office: 5 practical tips
07.03.2017 Sabrina Ludwig 4031 Ecotrophologist Linda Paech shows you how you can eat healthily in the office without too much effort. If you want to stay fit and focused throughout the day,...
Milestones & history
Milestones & history 1991 pme Familienservice launches in Munich The beginnings of the pme Familienservice Group go back to Gisela Erler. In 1991, BMW commissioned the social scientist...
Milestones & history
1991 pme Familienservice launches in Munich The beginnings of the pme Familienservice Group go back to Gisela Erler. In 1991, BMW commissioned the social scientist from the German Youth Institute...
6 tips on how to avoid employee burnout
Stressed and exhausted and always on the verge of burnout: this illness is known as burnout. What can managers do for affected employees?
Episode 25: Am I addicted?
Why do we use drugs? When does the pleasure end and addiction begin? Our guest: psychologist Mandy Simon.
Episode 29: Dealing with extreme positions at work
Episode 29: How can we stay in conversation despite strongly differing opinions through openness? Where are the boundaries?
Interior design at childcare center: This is what matters
The interior design at childcare center influences children's well-being. How can children be involved?
Interior design at childcare center: This is what matters
Use your hand as an aid and take the following five steps in sequence
Interior design at childcare center: This is what matters
Use your hand as an aid and take the following five steps in sequence
Interior design at childcare center: This is what matters
relieve them in their situation and provide them with specific information
Interior design at childcare center: This is what matters
relieve them in their situation and provide them with specific information
Interior design at childcare center: This is what matters
Or put your hand there and feel whether this makes it easier.
Tijen Onaran: Why is visibility so important?
Why is visibility crucial for women in business? In this interview, Tijen Onaran gives tips on how to take the first steps.
Tijen Onaran: Why is visibility so important?
UN sales law is excluded. (2) If you are a merchant, a legal entity under public... law or public law...
Advice and mediation of care solutions
Advice and arranging childcare solutions The search for suitable childcare and the weighing up and organization of the right childcare solutions are very difficult for parents...
Middle class and family
Advice and mediation of care solutions
You can reach it by public transport from Mainz main station
pme academy
Advice and mediation of care solutions
You can reach it by public transport from Mainz main station
pme academy
pme Health Day 2024: Health in challenging times
Speakers, topics, program: Health Day is on October 10. Find out everything you need to know about the health event of the year.
Becoming happy: Tips from happiness minister Gina Schöler
"Minister of Happiness" Gina Schöler knows what the key to happiness is and why it's important to take a break.
Wage garnishments: A lot of work for the employer
Employee wage garnishments cost companies time and money. Preventive programs can avoid employee debt.
Wage garnishments: A lot of work for the employer
The non-profit organizations of Global Education gGmbH are specifically geared towards use and -use and design of media, to their living environment...
childcare center Sonneberger Straße
"I appreciate working independently."
Kirstin Andretzki has been managing childcare center on the 2nd floor of "Kids & Co." in Frankfurt am Main for five years. Prior to this, the 38-year-old was co-manager and educator at Kids & Co for five years....
The perfect office day: more health and peace in everyday life
The perfect office day: with these simple tips, you can bring some peace, health and fitness into your everyday life.
Bilingual education: A bath in the language
At the pme-childcare center "Kleine Wolkenstürmer" in Bonn, children learn English in a playful way using the immersion method.
Learning gratitude and staying healthy
You can learn gratitude in just a few minutes and stay healthy in the long term.
#fürstarkekinder: Animal-assisted pedagogy in the pme-childcare centers
Animal-assisted education is an important educational focus at the pme childcare centers. Contact with animals makes children happy and strong.
First aid tip on how to deal with anxiety in a more relaxed way
Fear of falling, of too much closeness, of too little closeness: Tips on how to get out of the powerlessness of anxiety by therapist Matthias Könning.
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
Episode 33: Can we also draw something positive from uncertainty? How do we overcome fear and draw new strength from it?
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
Time management Resilience Duration: approx. 2.5 hours Take your inner sloth by the hand
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
Time management Resilience Duration: approx. 2.5 hours Take your inner sloth by the hand
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
Children can stretch out nicely, the babies are safe in the carrier and you have your hands free.
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
Labor, Social Affairs, Family and Inte Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and the Hand
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
You will have to spend some money on this, but it will be worth it in the long term
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
Only those who know that their children are in good hands can approach their careers with a clear head...Those who know that their children are in good hands can...
Episode 33: How can we endure uncertainty?
Only those who know that their children are in good hands can approach their careers with a clear head...Those who know that their children are in good hands can...
7 tips for a relaxed time change
On October 27, the clocks will be set to winter time. Our tips will make the changeover easier for you.
"Managers need squash-point competence"
Above all, the modern manager must act in an agile manner and be a role model for their team members. Gaby Hamm-Brink, trainer at the pme Academy, explains in an interview how this can be achieved.
" Childminding Childminding offers highly flexible afternoon care for schoolchildren.
G20 summit: pme looks after the children of the police
20.07.2017 Isabel Hempel 2022 On the fringes of the G20 summit, the pme Familienservice Group looked after the children of the Hamburg police. How is it possible to reconcile family and work under extreme...
7 tips for spring cleaning - how to make it work!
pme cleaning expert Angela Lochmann reveals seven ingenious tips for effective spring cleaning.
Power Posing: Catalyst for success
Power posing has a positive effect on your mind. Because certain postures strengthen our psyche.
Power Posing: Catalyst for success
Together we would like to do handicrafts with you and your children. with you and your children.
Einstein CompanyKids
Power Posing: Catalyst for success
of joint career guidance is that you do not have to take the helm yourself.
Power Posing: Catalyst for success
You will have to spend some money on this, but it will be worth it in the long term
IKEA and pme against domestic violence
Domestic violence: IKEA Germany has developed support services together with the pme Familienservice to help affected employees.
pme donates: Climate protection Göttingen
Interview with Rainer-W. Hoffmann, 83-year-old climate activist and founder of the "Klimaschutz Göttingen" association, on how to get people excited about climate protection with clever campaigns.