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Results for "Employer"
Productive but invisible? Working in the home office
While working from home is sometimes standard in some companies, other employers
Awarded for the third time: pme Familienservice is Leading Employer 2021
Group was named LEADING EMPLOYER 2021, making it one of the top 1 percent of the best employers
Chronically ill at work: how managers can provide support
Tips and guidelines on how you as an employer and managers of chronically ill employees
What is business yoga?
Encourage with yoga in the workplace employers the health of their employees
Little control and lots of freedom
(Focus Special "Best Employers 2016", 09.02.2016) Balancing private life and work - more than two decades ago, the pme Familienservice Group developed a...
Boomerang Hiring: Winning back former employees
Bringing in new talent with "Boomerang Hiring employers former employees back into the company
Avoiding generational conflicts in the workplace
Baby boomers, Generation X, Y and Z: Useful tips on how to employers generational conflicts
Meaning and work: "Companies must reflect values"
"An employerthat encourages me to build a culture in which I can feel
The best companies for families
(Special issue Parents, 11/2016) The magazine ELTERN and the statistics portal statista wanted to know: Who are the most family-friendly employers in Germany in 2016? The...
Family friendliness keeps mothers
Changing jobs during parental leave? Mothers return to family-friendly companies sooner and faster.
Job and family: many companies offer models
(working@office, 08/2016) Young mothers who want to return to work early need reliable childcare. Employers can help them...
IHK special prize for EXXETA GmbH
(wirtschaft, 05/2017) IHK Leipzig awards the special prize for family-friendly employer to EXXETA GmbH. Among other things, employees can use the services...
The recipe for success in recruiting skilled workers
The recipe for combating the shortage of skilled workers: promoting re-entry, employment subject to social security contributions instead of mini-jobs. Tips from Perspektive Wiedereinstieg.
The pme cosmos at a glance
Slim, compact, refreshingly different - our new company brochure provides an overview of the entire pme cosmos
The pme cosmos at a glance
Care and work: what employers can do Care report 2020: Caring for relatives...How employers can support....Tips for...
Care time and family care time
Care leave and family care leave The Care Leave Act, which has been in force since July 1, 2008, and the Family Care Leave Act, which has been in force since January 1, 2012, are intended to make it easier for working people to reconcile...
Middle class and family
Care time and family care time
Care and work: what employers can do Caring relatives are under a great deal of strain...What employers can do to support....Tips for...
A sympathetic ear - Our MAIV
The employee interest group (MAIV) is the bridge between employer and employee and stands up for the interests of its colleagues. The...
Advice for employees with a low income
Turn your employees into financial professionals. And ensure the performance of your employees.
Advice for employees with a low income
Many employers are unsettled by the current situation and do not want to...In principle, the so-called operational risk doctrine applies here: the...
Advice for employees with a low income
Many employers are unsettled by the current situation and do not want to take...In principle, the so-called operational risk doctrine applies here: The...
Advice for employees with a low income
The employer can plan in good time....The employer must plan immediately after receiving information about the...
Middle class and family
Advice for employees with a low income
This also applies if the person not employed by the employer...If the employercovers the costs of the ...
Middle class and family
Children's sick days 2025 and children's sick pay
If the child is ill: How much is the child sickness benefit? Where can I apply for it? All information about children's sick days and children's sick pay in 2025.
pme receives 7th audit berufundfamilie certificate
" pme receives 7th audit berufundfamilie certificate We are the first employer to receive the audit berufundfamilie certificate for the seventh time.
Time recording: Is the time clock coming back?
According to the ruling of the European Court of Justice, working hours must be systematically recorded for all employees in future. Companies with trust-based working hours are particularly unsettled. Does...
Risk assessment for maternity protection: answers & tips
A summary of the most important information and tips on risk assessment for maternity protection for employers and employees.
Gefährdungsbeurteilung Mutterschutz: Antworten & Tipps
If the employer agrees, it is also possible to work with...If the employer and employee cannot agree on the... cannot agree on the...
Middle class and family
The best companies for families
(Special issue Parents, 11/2016) The magazine ELTERN and the statistics portal statista wanted to know: Who are the most family-friendly employers in Germany in 2016? The...
BEM Representative: All about training
Sustainable and effective company integration management - have your employees trained as BEM officers.
BEM Representative: All about training
Logo MuF Pregnancy and maternity protection timetable Milestone Measure Employer...Immediately upon becoming aware of the pregnancy Employee should take the...
Middle class and family
8 alternatives to a salary increase: benefits for employee retention
Benefits in kind, recreational allowances, social funds: employers:innen can support their employees financially without increasing their salary. This has...
How companies score points with employees
(Handelsblatt Online, 25.01.2016) Fun and meaningful work and time for family and friends: Generation Y has its very own idea of life and work....
How companies score points with employees
(Handelsblatt Online, 25.01.2016) Fun and meaningful work and time for family and friends: Generation Y has its very own idea of life and work....
pme Familienservice receives Top Brand Corporate Health 2021
The pme Familienservice Group was able to stand out from thousands of service providers and was awarded the Top Brand Corporate Health 2021 quality mark. The company is strongly committed to the area of...
Debt: "We will experience a tsunami in 2022"
Short-time work, lack of mini-jobs: the fourth wave of coronavirus is causing financial difficulties for many employees, warns Berlin-based financial advisor Frank Wiedenhaupt. The good news: there are...
Debt: "We will experience a tsunami in 2022"
What can employers do to help their employees?...Where do you see the challenges for employers in the coming year 2022?...Must...
Debt: "We will experience a tsunami in 2022"
What can employers do to help their employees?...Where do you see the challenges for employers in the coming year 2022?...Must...
Child sickness benefit to be extended again
Good news for working parents: the entitlement period for child sickness benefit was extended again in April 2021.
What's new with minimum wage, mini-jobs and midi-jobs
The pme Familienservice is always looking for caregivers and domestic helpers for placement in private households. Register now!
pme receives "Top Brand Corporate Health 2021"
The work-life balance pioneer strengthens its position as an innovative and competent provider of occupational health management.
brand eins: pme is Innovator of the Year 2017
02.06.2017 Sabrina Ludwig 2813 (02.06.2017, Berlin) brandeins Wissen has named pme one of the most innovative companies in Germany. (02.06.2017, Berlin) The business magazine brandeins...
Absenteeism Report 2017: Crisis and health
(AOK, 14.09.2017) A separation, serious illness or the death of a close relative - crises have a significant impact on the professional lives of the people affected. Every second person feels...
Wage garnishments: A lot of work for the employer
Employee wage garnishments cost companies time and money. Preventive programs can avoid employee debt.
pme is one of "Germany's most innovative companies"
Focus and Focus Money have named pme Familienservice one of "Germany's most innovative companies 2019".
pme is one of "Germany's most innovative companies"
Change in the law: what will change in 2025 These changes for employers and employees...The year 2025 brings changes for employers and employees...
Work & Life
We want our employees to feel comfortable in their workplace and be able to develop their potential. Creating a healthy balance to working life is...
New study: How important is employee assisstance (EAP) for companies?
Today, the pme Familienservice Group presented the "EAP-Success-Factors" study in a livestream.
New study: How important is employee assisstance (EAP) for companies?
Whether this time off is paid by your employer or not depends on your...The employer can grant paid time off in accordance with § 616...
New study: How important is employee assisstance (EAP) for companies?
Whether this time off is paid by your employer or not depends on your...The employer can grant paid time off in accordance with § 616...
New study: How important is employee assisstance (EAP) for companies?
Occupational integration management After six weeks of incapacity for work, the employer offered...In addition, she was able to obtain...
New study: How important is employee assisstance (EAP) for companies?
Occupational integration management After six weeks of incapacity for work, the employer offered...In addition, she was able to obtain...
Hey bosses, do you still have a job available?
(Berliner Kurier, 02.02.2017) The pme Familienservice and Berliner Stadtreinigung rated employees in Berlin, among others, as the best employers in the city. The result...
Who we are
On behalf of more than 1,400 employers, the pme Familienservice Group supports employees in achieving a successful work-life balance...
Who we are
Talk to your employer It is advisable to talk to your employer...How can work be sensibly redistributed or...
Tipsters wanted!
Do you have a nephew who is studying education? Do you know a mother who is planning to return to the teaching profession? Then we are guaranteed to have the right job for you. And you can benefit...
pme learning worlds
Tipsters wanted!
Parental leave must be registered in writing with the employer....What rights and obligations does the employer have with regard to...
Tipsters wanted!
Pregnancy, maternity leave & employer: everything you need to know Everything you need to know about notifying your employerof your pregnancy Expecting...
Psychoreport 2020: Focusing on the psyche
From 2000 to 2019, there was an overall increase of 137 percent in days lost due to mental illness. These are the key findings of the DAK-Gesundheit Psychoreport 2020.
The pme Familienservice is one of the "Most family-friendly companies 2022"
According to freundin and kununu, the pme Familienservice Group is one of the "Most Family-Friendly Companies 2022". The company impressed in the "Advice & Consulting" category and...