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Results for "Public sector"
Life in times of Corona
Life in times of corona Suddenly, many things were different. The coronavirus and its spread forced everyone to isolate themselves and avoid social contact. To this day...
Life in times of Corona
Place your hands crosswise on your chest so that it feels comfortable for you... Now tap your chest alternately with both hands...
Life in times of Corona
4/ person/ day) 280,00 Entrance fees, excursions, public transportation
Middle class and family
BEM Beauftragte:r: Alles zur Ausbildung
Sustainable and effective company integration management - have your employees trained as BEM officers.
Free: With online yoga throughout the year
Get fit for the new year with online yoga! Every Tuesday from 20:00 to 21:30. Guaranteed free of charge!
Derya Bobrik - Impulse Tolerance
Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Vorlage. Syntax error in template "20201#20241#BC_BOX_TPL" in line 53, column 77: Encountered "-", but was expecting: "=" 1<#assign 2 Vorname = Vorname.getData() 3...
pme and Generation Ü: From retirement to working life
The pme Familienservice Group is breaking new ground in recruiting and cooperating with the "Generation Ü" job placement service.
pme law - the legal experts of the pme Familienservice
With pme law, pme Familienservice now offers all client companies and employees sound, readily available legal advice covering a wide range of topics.