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Results for "Public sector"
Only those who know that their children are in good hands can approach their careers with a clear head...Those who know that their children are in good hands can...
7 tips for a relaxed time change
On October 27, the clocks will be set to winter time. Our tips will make the changeover easier for you.
"Managers need squash-point competence"
Above all, the modern manager must act in an agile manner and be a role model for their team members. Gaby Hamm-Brink, trainer at the pme Academy, explains in an interview how this can be achieved.
" Childminding Childminding offers highly flexible afternoon care for schoolchildren.
G20 summit: pme looks after the children of the police
20.07.2017 Isabel Hempel 2022 On the fringes of the G20 summit, the pme Familienservice Group looked after the children of the Hamburg police. How is it possible to reconcile family and work under extreme...
7 tips for spring cleaning - how to make it work!
pme cleaning expert Angela Lochmann reveals seven ingenious tips for effective spring cleaning.
Power Posing: Catalyst for success
Power posing has a positive effect on your mind. Because certain postures strengthen our psyche.
Power Posing: Catalyst for success
Together we would like to do handicrafts with you and your children. with you and your children.
Einstein CompanyKids