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Results for "Public sector"
Career orientation in Corona times.rtf
of joint career guidance is that you do not have to take the helm yourself.
4 good tips against poverty in old age for women.txt
You will have to spend some money on this, but it will be worth it in the long term
IKEA and pme against domestic violence
Domestic violence: IKEA Germany has developed support services together with the pme Familienservice to help affected employees.
pme donates: Climate protection Göttingen
Interview with Rainer-W. Hoffmann, 83-year-old climate activist and founder of the "Klimaschutz Göttingen" association, on how to get people excited about climate protection with clever campaigns.
pme donates: Climate protection Göttingen
Akademie gGmbH), Greeting Alexandra Stieper (Head of pme Academy Division Public
pme academy
pme donates: Climate protection Göttingen
Akademie gGmbH), Greeting Alexandra Stieper (Head of pme Academy Division Public
pme academy
pme donates: Climate protection Göttingen
Akademie gGmbH), Greeting Alexandra Stieper (Head of pme Academy Division Public
pme academy
Bosch and the DFB focus on mental training
Like the German Football Association (DFB), the Bosch technology group focuses on mental training. Managers and professional athletes train with the Mindance app for mental health, among other things.