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Results for "Employer"
"The consequences are serious for employees and The consequences are serious for employees andemployers ", says Helmut Schröder... "The consequences are serious for employees and employers...
Major project completed: The pme Familienservice Group opens the "EntdeckerWelt" as the third childcare center in the Lehrte area in newly created rooms
After two years, the pme Familienservice Group opens the last of three planned daycare centers under the independent sponsorship of Global Education gGmbH.
Overcome loneliness, live happier in old age
People who socialize in old age feel better. Tips from eldercare expert Jürgen Griesbeck.
What I would like for Women's Day
Today is International Women's Day. But what makes this day so special for women?
What does healthy sleep look like?
Tips and tricks: health expert Sarah Morzinek explains what makes for healthy and restful sleep. Plus simple breathing exercises that are guaranteed to help you relax.
What does a compatibility manager do?
Work-life balance managers implement individual measures for a better work-life balance in the company. Interview with two graduates of the "Compatibility Manager" certificate course.
Management job and family: "We need role models!"
Being a manager and still having time for your family? Head of HR Evelyn Schipfer on her personal model for success.
Purpose as a motivator: boost team performance
What do we actually work for? In times of climate change and the coronavirus crisis, a deeper, sustainable sense of purpose has great potential to create a new leadership paradigm.