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Results for "Employer"
Help for parents: How to talk to children about war?
How can you explain to children what is happening in Ukraine? Tips from the pme parent counseling service.
Ein starkes Duo für mentale Gesundheit: pme übernimmt Mindance
(Berlin, 14.04.2021) The pme Familienservice Group is delighted to welcome Mindance GmbH to its company.
A strong duo for mental health: pme takes over Mindance
not only the parents benefit in the end, but also you as an employer. Employer...Management coaching on dealing with stressed employees -...
Sabbatical: Life is too short for sometime
pme employee Anja Umbreit gives 5 tips for the sabbatical.
Mental consequences of the lockdown: are we at risk of burnout?
Many employees have had enough. After the second lockdown at the latest, the glass is now overflowing. Resources have been used up and optimism has evaporated. We'll show you what you...
Mental strength in sport: "Performance and inner drive"
Sports psychologist Christoph Herr provides insights into the mental training of competitive athletes.
Retain and motivate older employees
Older employees are a valuable resource. Find out what advantages they bring and how you can retain them in your company.
"No remote tool can replace a personal exchange"
(Computerwoche, 19.08.21) Sky's Head of HR Danja Frech talks about challenges and solutions in the Covid-19 pandemic.