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Results for "Employer"
not only the parents benefit in the end, but also you as an employer
the names of the family members, the address, the employer, and the date on which the childcare was booked.
the names of the family members, the address, the employer, and the date on which the childcare was booked.
pme learning worlds
We want to gain your trust. For this reason, we adhere strictly to the statutory data protection regulations.
Data protection notice
Many employers and companies are now faced with the question of how to implement these
The film: No one is as colorful as we are!
On March 16, we will be shooting scenes for our diversity clip for a whole day. Here's a preview of what you can expect: Franc Minh-Tai Nguyen works for us as a childcare worker in...
When parents become in need of care
(Handelsblatt Online, 25.01.2016) What should you do if your parents need care? The pme Familienservice helps with the compatibility of care and work. To the article "Reconciling...
The Dresdner Straße 59 neighborhood project is the winner of the Family Friendliness Award
(Focus Online Regional Leipzig, 20.05.2017) Family friendliness pays off. This is proven by the energy service provider EXXETA, which received a special award as part of this year's...