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Results for "Employer"
Little control and lots of freedom
(Focus Special "Best Employers 2016", 09.02.2016) Balancing private life and work - more than two decades ago, the pme Familienservice Group developed a...
Boomerang Hiring: Winning back former employees
Bringing in new talent with "Boomerang Hiring employers former employees back into the company
Avoiding generational conflicts in the workplace
Baby boomers, Generation X, Y and Z: Useful tips on how to employers generational conflicts
Meaning and work: "Companies must reflect values"
"An employerthat encourages me to build a culture in which I can feel
The best companies for families
(Special issue Parents, 11/2016) The magazine ELTERN and the statistics portal statista wanted to know: Who are the most family-friendly employers in Germany in 2016? The...
Family friendliness keeps mothers
Changing jobs during parental leave? Mothers return to family-friendly companies sooner and faster.
Job and family: many companies offer models
(working@office, 08/2016) Young mothers who want to return to work early need reliable childcare. Employers can help them...
IHK special prize for EXXETA GmbH
(wirtschaft, 05/2017) IHK Leipzig awards the special prize for family-friendly employer to EXXETA GmbH. Among other things, employees can use the services...