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Results for "Employees"
DAK study: Three times more days absent due to mental health issues
In the last 20 years, significantly more employees*due to psychological
Time recording: Is the time clock coming back?
According to the ruling of the European Court of Justice, working hours must be systematically recorded for all employees in future. Companies with trust-based working hours are particularly unsettled. Does...
Time recording: Is the time clock coming back?
-- and employees. ... (4) Benefits in kind to the employee that go beyond ...
Middle class and family
A sympathetic ear - Our MAIV
The employee interest group (MAIV) is the bridge between employer and employee and stands up for the interests of its colleagues. The...
A sympathetic ear - Our MAIV
A sympathetic ear - Our MAIV
Sabbatical by law - a model for Germany?
12.01.2018 Sabrina Ludwig 5947 Discover foreign cultures, get socially involved, have more time for the children: One in two Germans would like to take a break from their job - often called a sabbatical...
Hey bosses, do you still have a job available?
(Berliner Kurier, 02.02.2017) The pme Familienservice and Berliner Stadtreinigung rated employees in Berlin, among others, as the best employers in the city. The result...