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To the data protection settings " (Link opens in a new window)Seminars and workshops for successful teams | pme akademie
Team development
Workshops and seminars
for successful teams
Topics in our portfolio
Our quality promise
Permanent trainers and coaches with management experience |
Systemic, solution-oriented and practical |
Systematic evaluation with the Net Promoter Score (NPS) |
Presence, online, blended learning
Your team, your format
In-house trainings
Would you like to make your team more productive? Is a conflict between colleagues repeatedly delaying your deadlines? Benefit from our comprehensive team analysis followed by a workshop: In exclusive in-house training sessions, our trainers and coaches support your team members and bring back cohesion and creativity.
Webinars and presentations
In our calendar of events you will find a wide range of presentations on the topic of teamwork. All online lectures are recorded, so you can access them conveniently and flexibly.
Seminars and workshops
Promote the further development of your teams in various interactive workshop formats - for example on the topics of self-organized teams or hybrid working.
Mix of e-learning and live coaching sessions
Our mix of e-learning and live coaching offers your team members maximum flexibility. Thanks to online tools that are independent of time and place, they learn without the pressure of deadlines and stay connected with their team and their learning goal through group coaching sessions.
Group coaching sessions
Are you looking for an interactive format that offers space for exchange between participants? Our interactive group coaching sessions offer inspiring input from our team coaches and a platform for sharing experiences of everyday teamwork.
Mindance health app
With the "Mindance" app, you provide your employees with a platform for training their mental health. "Mindance" offers a tailor-made complete package of digitalized training programs and workshops with certified coaches.
Sustainable and practical:
Take your team development to a new level.
Work:Life Magazine
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Team development: Current events
Choose our in-house seminars
Creating cohesion in the team
Teams with strong cohesion are more motivated and more efficient. The weaknesses of the individual(s) are borne by the team and the willingness to stand up for each other is greater.
This interactive workshop is about developing an understanding of the needs of the individual team members and the needs of the team and benefiting from diversity.
After a brief theoretical input from the coach, the participants address individual cases. The methodology is adapted to the needs of the group.
- Interactive cooperative tasks to activate, break down barriers and increase the sense of "we" in the team
- 5-minute audit on psychological safety in the team
- Development of concrete measures to increase psychological safety in the team (idea exchange)
- Development of a charter of team values
- Creation of a map of the personalities in the team based on the Big Five or Riemann-Tomann model
- Analysis of the models, raising awareness of different communication and working styles and individual values
- Getting to know the team members
- Developing a commitment to the desired interaction within the team
- Enabling effective communication, resolving conflicts and improving cooperation
- Preventing team conflicts by raising awareness of the personality types in the team
- Increasing psychological safety in the team
- Identifying shared values and making commonalities visible
- Building team identity through interactive exercises, among other things
Scope: Workshop 4-8 hours
Working successfully in virtual teams
Not only do different types of communication come together in teams, but different values and attitudes also have an impact on communication. This often leads to ambiguities and misunderstandings. In addition, reservations about digital communication channels are often the order of the day. Clear agreements are therefore the key to successful collaboration, especially in teams that mainly communicate virtually.
This workshop will clarify: What can communication etiquette look like for your own team? To this end, the trainer will first present some theoretical models of virtual collaboration. The participants will then work together to develop a communication guideline according to the needs of their team.
- Development of the six success factors for your virtual team (communication, knowledge management, networking, health, motivation, rules and rituals)
- Development of a practical team charter for virtual collaboration with concrete commitments
- Getting to know the "retrospective" method for reflecting on and improving the workflow
- Interactive short units to increase team cohesion in virtual teams
- Familiarization with and consideration of the six success factors for collaboration in virtual teams
- Increasing team cohesion, motivation and support among team members
- Clear commitments: Where is the team already well positioned? What should no longer happen?
- Teaching techniques, tools and best practices to improve communication in virtual teams
- Developing ideas for networking and promoting knowledge sharing within your own team and across teams
Scope: 3-hour workshop
Note: The exact content and objectives of the workshop may vary depending on the target group and specific context.
Making decisions in self-organized teams
In self-organized teams, all planning and management tasks are distributed among all team members. This workshop shows how a self-organized team can function and which requirements must be met by the company.
Because without active leadership, rules are needed. Personal responsibility and commitment must be strongly developed among the team members, processes and structures must be clearly regulated and methods for decision-making processes must be clearly defined.
- Acquiring background knowledge on the history and potential of self-organized teams
- Getting to know the advantages and limitations of self-organized teams
- Clarifying the role of the manager in self-organized teams
- Getting to know the structure and framework conditions for self-organized teams
- Exploring the individual framework conditions: What suits our corporate culture, what doesn't?
- Getting to know the "retrospective" method for reflecting on and improving the workflow
- Defining clear roles, rules and processes in the team
- Creating a "delegation board" as an orientation for decision-making powers
- Establishing the "retrospective" method for regular joint reflection
Scope: 4 to 8 hours workshop
On request, we can also provide your team with long-term support in the process of self-organization.
Focusing on strengths in the team
A strengths-oriented distribution of tasks has a positive effect on the productivity and satisfaction of employees in teams. According to studies, people who know and use their strengths are happier, more motivated and therefore more productive.
This workshop teaches the basics of developing strengths in a team. It is analyzed: What strengths do the individual team members bring to the table? How can they best be used? And how can weaknesses of individual team members be compensated for in the group?
Our trainers use scientifically based tools to carry out a detailed personality analysis of the participants in advance. These analyses are used to take a closer look at and reflect on tasks and roles in the team. The moderated exchange strengthens understanding among the team members and helps to recognize and reflect on the strengths of each individual.
- Introduction to strengths-based work based on the solution of a cooperative task
- Learning about the latest scientific findings on team dynamics
- Carrying out a team check with the LINC Personality Profiler and determining personality profiles based on the "Big Five Model"
- Detailed presentation of the team's character traits, motives and skills
- Insight into how the personalities of team members influence behavior and roles in the team
This workshop will help you to
- sensitize team members to a strengths-based way of working
- raise awareness of the benefits and potential of strengths-based teamwork
- redistribute tasks according to individual strengths and thus
- increase the performance, satisfaction and efficiency of the team
Scope: 4-8 hours
Distribution of roles in the team
Clear roles in the team promote effective collaboration, reduce conflicts and misunderstandings and increase productivity and efficiency in the team. As each team member knows their role, work is better coordinated and individual skills are optimally utilized. This leads to better results and a harmonious working environment. Turn your team into an effective and successful unit!
- Introduction to the GPRI model as the basis for performance-oriented teams
- Analysis of the team against the background of the GPRI model: Where do we stand?
- Introduction and application of the "Role Model Canvas" for a transparent distribution of responsibilities in the team.
- Importance of social roles and their meaning according to Meredith Belbin (team roles)
This workshop will help you to
- identify and utilize the individual strengths and skills of each team member
- establish a clear distribution of roles in the team
- increase acceptance of the role of individual team members
- clarify expectations of the individual team members
- improve collaboration and achieve outstanding results through greater transparency
Team analysis
The team analysis is a scientifically sound basis for the strength- and future-oriented development of your team.
In phase 1, we work with you to analyze the team's current situation and challenges. We examine the strengths and potential of the individual team members and the team as a whole in detail. We listen to those involved and jointly define the goals and methods for our mission.
In phase 2, we carry out the events agreed with you, which are tailored to the needs of the team members. These can include workshops, team and individual coaching, knowledge impulses, mediations, moderations, consultations and events.
Possible topics include communication, conflicts or restructuring. These are customized and dynamically adapted to your development during the process.
Phase 1: Analysis - Our pme Consulting:
- Anonymized personality profiles and team constellations
- Organizational and process-related system optimization
- Identification of psychological and social potential and points of friction
- Definition of goals and methods in close consultation with all those involved for maximum motivation and commitment
(pme Consulting is an independent offer without further obligations)
Phase 2: Team support - our pme Academy offer:
- Depending on your needs, we support your team over a period of two to eight months
- Workshops, events, impulses, group and individual coaching sessions tailored to your needs to the extent agreed in advance
- Can also be flexibly adapted during the process
Topics (selection):
- Team check & team strengths
- Sustainable healthy leadership
- Agile and hybrid working and cooperation
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