Purpose as a motivator: boost team performance
Purpose refers to the deeper meaning and purpose of a company's activities. In relation to the world of work, companies ask themselves the question: What is our overarching mission for society? However, it is not only at management level that people are grappling with this issue. Every individual probably asks themselves the question of the meaning of their own actions at some point.
Purpose - what's behind it?
If the values of employees and the company match, employees are very likely to see something meaningful in their daily work and enjoy it. Psychologist Mandy Simon advises pme customers on the question of meaningful work, among other things. She says: "The meaning of meaningfulness is very individual. Basically, we feel our work is meaningful if we have the feeling that we are doing something positive, if the company matches our personal values and we feel that we are in good hands there".
So if a company is clear about the positive contribution it wants to make to the world and this contribution provides an answer to the employees' question of meaning, this can contribute to greater intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the driving force behind achieving the best possible performance and persevering even in difficult times.
Why is purpose important for companies?
The social and ecological responsibility of companies is becoming increasingly important. Younger generations in particular are no longer prepared to accept the negative effects of economic activity - the keyword here is "Fridays for Future".
This increases the pressure on companies to contribute to a healthy economy with their products and to secure the future for younger generations. With Purpose, companies are answering the question of what contribution they can make to a better world. In the future, this will be a decisive factor for investors, employees and consumers.
Study shows: Purpose has an impact on employee retention and satisfaction
The study "Purpose. The great unknown" by Kienbaum and Human Unlimited shows the importance of a clearly formulated, strong purpose for companies. 93 percent of the approximately 1,300 employees and managers surveyed consider it important for companies to define a kind of raison d'être for themselves. Three quarters of the managers surveyed observed higher employee satisfaction after the introduction of a new purpose in the company. Around two thirds point to positive changes in employee retention and employer attractiveness.
Purpose of own company often not known
Despite the important function of purpose in companies, more than half of employees and managers cannot name it, according to the study. The authors do not attribute this contrast to a lack of purpose. Rather, it is not always recognizable to employees at first glance. According to the study, there is a lack of a precise definition and clear communication down to the lower hierarchical levels.
6 tips for more energy through purpose at work
If team members are frustrated or demotivated, managers should take a closer look. Psychologist Mandy Simon provides ideas on how you as a manager can boost team performance and give your employees new energy in difficult times.
1. give space to the search for meaning and talk about it
Talk to your team members about personal as well as corporate goals, tasks and intentions. Show your team why each individual contribution is important for the overall process.
2. look together at significant tasks
In which tasks can everyone make good use of their talents? What is the most fun for whom? Team members often surpass themselves when they feel motivated by their tasks.
"Give team members space to consider which tasks they enjoy and what contribution they can make to the organization. It's worth taking small steps first instead of trying to achieve too much too soon," recommends Simon.
3. explore which values each individual represents
Values are the basis for formulating goals. What is important to each individual and why? Is the individual more concerned with security and order, adventure and freedom or power and performance?
"If values and positions are not respected, or if your own efforts are not seen and appreciated, frustration can quickly arise," explains Simon.
4. respect different views of meaningfulness
Every person judges the extent to which a job seems meaningful differently, as different phases of life shape personal values and goals. For example, a job can suddenly seem pointless because your personal life situation changes.
5 Prepare for change
The search for meaning can also lead to changes in life. Simon explains: "New tasks can be added, old ones given up or behaviors changed. Change is possible at any time, but it requires effort".
6. work is not everything
Mandy Simon advises people to think outside the box and focus on other areas of life: "People appreciate the opportunity to constantly reinvent themselves and actively shape the future. This doesn't just have to take place in the world of work; people can also help to compensate for unfulfilled needs at work in their private lives, for example through social engagement."
About the pme Familienservice Group
On behalf of more than 900 employers, the pme Familienservice Group supports employees in achieving a successful work-life balance and being able to work with a clear head.