Longevity: A lifetime of good health at work
Many people dream of longevity, a long and fulfilling life into old age. And although we are getting older and older, our future is uncertain. Many are already preparing to work longer than our parents and grandparents did. Some because the pension is not enough, others because the job is a meaningful part of their lives. But working well beyond the age of 65 requires good health. So how do we manage to stay healthy and fit throughout our (working) lives and beyond?
Table of contents
What is longevity?
Longevity or "longevity" is in vogue. While the original meaning of the term refers to measures that allow us to grow as (very) old as possible, in this article we focus on a long and healthy working life.
After all, we spend most of our lives at work - right after sleeping. According to the Federal Statistical Office, this amounted to an average of 21% of the week in 2022, based on the national average of 34.7 working hours. So it's worth taking a closer look.
Longevity at work requires holistic health promotion
Longevity at work is the ability to live and work in a healthy, productive and fulfilling way over a long period of time. It's not just about having a long career, but also about staying physically, mentally and emotionally healthy during this time. But how do you achieve this?
"While work-life balance and workation were the focus of modern HR not so long ago, employee health is now increasingly coming to the fore," says Meike Bukowski, Head of HR Development at the pme Familienservice Group: "Employee wellbeing allows employers to create a healthy working environment and improve the well-being of their workforce.
Targeted health measures such as health promotion in the workplaceergonomic workplace design, preventive healthcare, stress management and flexible working conditions offer an important solution.
However, interaction is crucial here, as pme Health Manager Michèle Penz knows: "When it comes to health in the company, two roles must be assigned. It's not just the employee who is responsible for their health; the employer also has a duty to ensure that their team members are kept healthy in the long term. It is not enough to say: 'Eat an apple a day'. It is a holistic interplay of many factors that keep an employee's working life healthy in the long term. For example, it is just as important to promote varied exercise and a healthy level of stress as it is to foster a diverse team culture. Appreciation for the work they do also makes people happier and makes them enjoy coming to work."
For Dr. Eva Elisa Schneider, an expert in mental health at work, the ability to recover also plays a crucial role: "Work requires energy that we have to consciously replenish. Good break and recovery management is therefore essential for a healthy working life in the long term. Secondly, the influence of social contacts on our well-being and resilience is crucial. If we feel connected to our colleagues and are in regular contact with them, this makes a very positive contribution to our health and how we deal with stressful phases."
It pays for HR managers to look into the health glass ball and have the courage to ask themselves what kind of employer they are and what kind of employer they want to be. After all, only satisfied employees can be retained by the company in the long term - into retirement age and beyond. We have identified five factors that help with this.
5 trends for a long and healthy (working) life
1. social cohesion
For more than 80 years, researchers at Harvard University have been following 2,000 people from three generations to find out what positively influences people's well-being. The study revealed that close relationships make people happy for a lifetime - more so than money or fame.
"These bonds protect people from life's discontents, help delay mental and physical decline, and are a better predictor of a long and happy life than social class, IQ or even genes." (The Harvard Gazette, 2017)
Study leaders Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz published the results in their book "The Good Life" in 2023. Waldinger comes to the conclusion "... that our relationships and how happy we are in our relationships have a strong influence on our health." Those whocultivated warm relationships lived longer and happier, he found.
"Loneliness kills. It's as strong as smoking or alcoholism." (Robert Waldinger)
A survey by the German Economic Institute (IW) recently analyzed the life satisfaction of Germans. Up to 30,000 people were asked about their satisfaction between 1995 and 2021. The result: between 2005 and 2021, satisfaction rose from 6.8 scale points to 7.6. According to the study, so-called "silver workers", i.e. 66 to 70-year-olds who work beyond retirement age, are particularly satisfied. Financial reasons probably played less of a role here than maintaining social contacts. People tend to lack these in retirement.
Jürgen Griesbeck, Product Manager Homecare-Eldercare at pme Familienservice: "We modern people are used to experiencing a sense of belonging and continuously satisfying our social needs, particularly through our professional activities and, to some extent, through our families. The older you get, the less natural it is to make new acquaintances. Working beyond 65 can therefore have positive effects on mental and physical health. Another option is civic engagement, basically at any stage of life, but especially in the post-work phase. Meaning, belonging and success are possible here in a completely different way than in the usual bubble. It also provides structure, which is lost in retirement and leads to uncertainty."
Learning: Loneliness is just as harmful as smoking or drinking alcohol. The social environment makes all the difference. People who have good relationships or close social contacts are happier and live longer.
- What is my role in the company? And how do I support others?
- How actively do my employees participate in team activities or social events at work?
- What activities during and outside working hours strengthen social cohesion within the team?
- How openly and honestly do the team members communicate with each other? What do my team members want in terms of social cohesion - from the company, from me and from each other?
2. healthy diet and exercise
2.1 Nutrition
Have you ever heard of the "diet of centenarians"? There are areas, the so-called "Blue Zones", where people live longer and healthier than average. In these regions, people live to be 100 and older more often than elsewhere.
Award-winning journalist and bestselling author Dan Buettner has discovered five "Blue Zones" on his travels for National Geographic, including Okinawa (Japan) and Sardinia (Italy). All five regions have similarities that suggest why the people living there have lived so long in good health.
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To the data protection settings "This includes a predominantly vegetarian diet. Animal products are generally consumed to a lesser extent. In addition, there is a moderate calorie intake, low tobacco and alcohol consumption, increased physical activity and a high level of social interaction - a lifestyle from which we can certainly learn a lot.
The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture's Nutrition Report 2023 shows that a healthy diet is also important to most Germans (91%). For older people aged 60 and over, this aspect is even more important (94%). Only 20 percent of those surveyed still eat meat or sausage every day (compared to 34 percent in 2015). At the same time, vegetarian and vegan alternatives to animal products are becoming increasingly popular (10%, compared to 5% in 2020).
2.2 Movement
Exercise is also one of the factors that make a difference: Strength and endurance sports can have a positive impact on ageing. Even small amounts of exercise are better than none: climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator or walking and leaving the car at home helps you stay fitter.
pme expert Jürgen Griesbeck: "I spent twenty years nursing the elderly, was in a psychosomatic clinic for many years and have worked at Familienservice for 28 years, started a family, raised children, cared for my parents for years - and during all these years I did sport every day. I am absolutely convinced that I would not have managed this life marathon without regular exercise."
Learning: A balanced diet and appropriate exercise are the be-all and end-all for long-lasting healthy employees. They provide the necessary fitness into old age.
- What are we already doing well in the area of nutrition and exercise and where do we have potential?
- How can we design workplaces in such a way that they support employees in leading a healthy lifestyle?
- How can I create an environment in which it is fun to integrate physical activity or healthy eating habits into everyday life (e.g. challenges, joint activities, etc.)?
3. resilient handling of stress
We are currently living in very turbulent times. We have to deal with a multitude of crises, such as rising inflation and the increased cost of living, climate change and political crises. In addition, there is the personal and professional stress that everyone already has.
Psychiatrist Dr. Eva Elisa Schneider: "A certain amount of stress can occur from time to time in working life. However, the decisive factor is how well we can recover from the stress. So if you invest time in regeneration and a good work-life balance, you will benefit more than someone for whom these aspects are out of balance. Keeping our psyche healthy is a key driver for a healthy, long life. It is therefore very worthwhile to proactively do something good for our mind as well as our body."
The TK Stress Study 2021 shows that Germans are very satisfied with their lives as long as they are not stressed too often. However, a quarter of respondents (26%) feel stressed frequently. In the top 3 causes of stress, work is at the top of the list. The study also makes it clear that high, prolonged stress promotes psychological complaints such as depression and burnout on the one hand, but also physical ailments such as back pain, headaches and colds on the other.
According to the latest AXA Mind Health Report 2024, a third of Germans (31%) suffer from mental health problems such as depression, anxiety disorders and other mental illnesses. Most of them are of working age. A dependency is conceivable.
"A reduction of stress in society, for example through appropriate prevention programs, would improve the state of health in society." (TK study, 2021)
Holistic stress management seems essential, the TK study concludes. Health-related stress prevention measures such as back training, time management seminars, mindfulness courses, individual counseling services and incentives for healthy eating and sport are important measures in the context of workplace health promotion.
Another possible measure is the training of mental health first aiders, who can be the first point of contact for the affected team member in acute situations or when counseling is needed and can refer them to professional counseling centers. The results of the study show a close connection between mental and physical health, which indicates that a holistic approach to health promotion in the workplace is essential for employers.
Learning: High, prolonged stress can have a very damaging effect on the body and mind. Breaks are important. Smart stress management with company anti-stress programs helps to make the right adjustments.
- How do I deal with stress and how do I set an example?
- Do we have strategies for dealing with stress or pressure at work?
- What do my employees need for a work-promoting environment in which they can also feel comfortable?
- What are our biggest stress factors at work and what are possible relieving solutions (sentences, actions, etc.)?
4. generation management
Just a few years ago, the rule was "those who have been with the company longer tell the younger generation what to do". It makes sense that this has long been outdated and that the different generations can and should learn from each other . However, for baby boomers and generations X, Y and Z to work together successfully, these age groups need to be managed wisely. Only then will the "old" not feel ignored by the "young" and the young not feel patronized by the old. Generation management can therefore have a hugely positive influence on the working atmosphere.
Judith Degrell-Lipinski from the IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein, which has been offering a certificate course for generation managers since 2024: " Generation management enables the exchange of knowledge by utilizing the potential of several generations, which contributes to continuous development and innovation in the company. Different needs and expectations are taken into account. This enables companies to ensure respect and appreciation towards employees."
More information on training: Generation managers
Learning: When different generations come together in the company, this can have many advantages for the team. Older colleagues can learn from the younger ones and vice versa. However, good cooperation requires skillful generation management.
- What are my prejudices against the other generations, and are they really so?
- What can the younger colleagues learn from the older ones and vice versa?
- Why is it important to have good generation management in our company, and what could three specific goals look like?
5. meaningfulness is Queen
With all the factors that help to keep people fit and happy throughout their lives, one thing should not be missing:
When people enjoy what they do - in their jobs, in their relationships or in their hobbies - it can help to reduce stress and increase overall wellbeing. A fulfilling life that is characterized by fun and enjoyment can help people make healthier choices, be it in terms of diet, exercise or stress management.
Dr. Eva Elisa Schneider: "But what has a very positive effect on our health is when we experience meaning in our work, when we enjoy it and grow from it, and when we make social contacts. These factors keep us healthy."
Fun doesnot necessarily mean being happy all the time. Rather, it's about finding a balance and approaching difficult times with a positive attitude. The ability to have fun and feel joy, even in the midst of challenges and great stress, can be a valuable resource that contributes to living a full and long life.
Learning: Work only makes you happy and keeps you healthy over a long period of time if it is meaningful and enjoyable.
- Why do I work in this company and what do I particularly enjoy about my job?
- Why do my employees work in my company?
- What fulfills my colleagues at work? What makes them particularly happy?
- Are there any changes I could initiate to make the work more meaningful?