Asset issuer

Relief amount
Age & care

Relief amount for care at home

Most people in need of care would like to be able to stay at home in their familiar surroundings. The respite services for home care provide valuable support in this respect. 

Who is entitled to the relief amount?

All people in need of care with a care degree are entitled to the relief amount if they are cared for at home.

How much is the relief amount?

Currently, the relief amount is 125 euros per month. From January 2025, it will be increased to 130.63 euros as part of the Care Support and Relief Act.

What can the relief amount be used for?

The money can be used, for example, to pay for an outpatient care service (for care and help in the home), a neighborhood assistance service or household-related services such as house cleaning or help with shopping. The money can also be used for accompaniment to doctor's appointments or walks as well as for day, night and short-term care. 

Only those in need of care in care level 1 can also use the relief amount for services provided by approved care services in the area of body-related self-care. These services include, for example, body-related care measures such as help with showering or bathing. 

How do I get the relief amount?

The services are reimbursed if the person in need of care or their relatives submit the receipts to the care insurance fund or the private insurance company of the person in need of care. It is important to note that only services from approved providers that have actually been incurred will be reimbursed. 

The receipts submitted and the application for reimbursement must show the costs incurred by the person in need of care in connection with the services and the amount to be reimbursed from the relief amount. 

Do I have to use up the relief contribution every month?

No, if you do not need the relief contribution in one month or do not use it up completely, you can carry over the remaining amount to the next month. If you still have outstanding benefit contributions at the end of the calendar year, you can carry these over until June 30 of the following year. This also allows you to save up amounts, for example for short-term care.

Does the relief amount affect the care allowance?

What many people don't know: If the care insurance fund pays for the services, there is no loss of care allowance. This is why the respite services are often not used and the respite allowance is forfeited.

Source: Federal Ministry of Health

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