Diagnosis of cancer - What now?

Webinar on World Cancer Day, 07.02.2024 | 5-6 pm

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An impulse from DR. UDO WORTELBOER, specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy

A cancer diagnosis hits people in the middle of their everyday lives and triggers a wave of uncertainty and fear. This webinar aims to provide guidance, hope and community during this challenging time.

Dr. Udo Wortelboer, specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, and Oliver Schmidt, systemic coach, talk about this: How can those affected deal with a cancer diagnosis? How can you regain security and a sense of control? How can life be meaningful despite the illness?

Relatives of those affected will also receive valuable tips on how they can provide support instead of falling into actionism or numbness. The two speakers will then answer participants' questions from the chat.

The webinar is part of the campaign "Unspeakable? - Cancer in everyday working life" campaign, with which we are putting the spotlight on employees suffering from cancer. The campaign starts on 31.01.24.


Following the webinar, you will find a recording here.

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