Everyday magic with the 3-senses exercise
Do you feel stressed, even anxious or have lost focus on the essentials? Then this simple mindfulness exercise could be just right for you. You can practise this exercise at the breakfast table in the morning, on the subway on the way to work or during your lunch break in the office.
Few of us pay attention to our breathing and senses. With this exercise, you focus on what is happening around you and you can easily return to yourself with your attention.
You don't need any aids for the exercise, just your breathing, three of your five senses, a little concentration and five minutes' time.
The 3-senses exercise is so easy
- Find a comfortable place and sit upright.
- Breathe in and out deeply three times.
- See: Focus your gaze and silently list three things you see in your head.
- Feel: Now quietly list three things in your head that you feel. Feel free to close your eyes if it helps you to focus better on the essentials.
- Listen: Now silently list three things you hear in your head. The same applies here: keep your eyes closed.
- Repeat the exercise with two things and finally with just one thing.
You will quickly feel more relaxed, looser and perhaps even happier. Take this mindful view of the world and yourself with you into the day.