7 tips for spring cleaning - how to make it work!
The first buds are blossoming, the birds are chirping in the trees, the sun is making an appearance more often - and spring cleaning is on the agenda! But before I spoil your cheerful mood right away, I have seven motivating tips for you from certified economist and pme cleaning expert Angela Lochmann - for effective spring cleaning and house cleaning beyond.
7 tips for spring cleaning
1. send winter out the door!
First of all, I put everything that reminds me of winter in the attic: thick jackets, woollen blankets and winter shoes, for example. In the closet, I put the thick sweaters at the back and put the T-shirts and skirts at the front. Then I pull out the spring decorations and look forward to the coming weeks and months.
Spring cleaning should also be a basic clean for all rooms. Things are now cleaned that tend to get overlooked in normal everyday cleaning, i.e. washing curtains, dusting ceilings and walls, beating out carpets or cleaning them with a carpet freshener and damp wiping the cupboards on top.
2. involve the whole family!
Basically, cleaning is a job that nobody really enjoys doing. It is therefore a good idea to set a date for cleaning the house and a start and end time beforehand. Then divide the work between family members or roommates. If everyone helps together, the work goes faster. Everyone then has the opportunity to sort their "work area". Things that are no longer needed go into the flea market box. You can even earn a little extra money with things you no longer need.
When the work is done, a colorful spring bouquet is placed on the table. And with a few delicious cookies and a cappuccino, you can enjoy the fresh ambience of your home.
3. don't take on too much!
I think it's important to only plan as much as you can achieve. Otherwise you'll quickly get frustrated in the spring. Before you try to clean everything half-heartedly in one day, I recommend that you do the basic cleaning room by room over several days. Clean one room thoroughly and carry out a so-called visual clean (quick clean) in the other rooms. For example, you don't have to damp mop all the rooms every week.
4. keep your home in order with a system!
Are you wondering how you can keep your home tidy outside of the spring cleaning period? It's simple: by making sure that you always put things in the same place, for example. This saves unnecessary searching. It's also a good idea to spread out small jobs over the week, e.g. always do the laundry on Mondays, do the laundry on Tuesday evenings while watching TV and go shopping on Thursdays.
Cleaning is a necessary evil. It is therefore helpful not to see cleaning as a burden, but to look forward to when everything looks good again. However, if you need more free time overall, there's no getting around hiring domestic help.
5. small steps have a lasting big impact!
In order not to let your home sink into chaos over the course of a year, it makes sense to set yourself small goals, i.e. sort out a drawer or clear out a box, check the best-before date of food in the kitchen, take out the slatted frame when making the bed and clean under the bed.
6. only buy cleaning products that you really need!
An all-purpose cleaner is, as the name suggests, the right cleaning agent for everything. You should make sure that you buy it in a refill bag and, if possible, use an environmentally friendly product with an Ecolabel.
You should avoid products with hazard labels as far as possible, as these pollute or endanger the environment, indoor air and health.
7. do not torture yourself!
Family, job, cleaning: Some people try to juggle all of these tasks perfectly - even if they don't have the time. If house cleaning is becoming a heavy burden for you and you can afford it financially, I recommend hiring professional domestic help.