IMMR - Vitality in the workplace
Do you keep your business appointments in mind at all times and do everything you can to satisfy your customer or employer? Of course you do! But do you also take good care of yourself? Schedule regular appointments to relax with yourself. And because IMMR is important to you - make an entry in your calendar! The following IMMR (I relax with myself) exercises usually take no longer than five minutes.
We start with the basic exercises IMMR 1 to 3, which are both simple and ingenious. You have always done them, but probably not consciously and not on purpose. Do these exercises deliberately and with pleasure!
Yawning relaxes the entire throat, supplies the eyes with tear fluid, increases saliva production and supplies your body with more serotonin, which in turn lifts your mood.
So yawn! Take a deep breath, open your mouth wide, drop your tongue and make yawning noises. Above all, stay relaxed!
Sighing is the easiest way to activate the breath. We train the diaphragm and increase our vitality and responsiveness. Breathe in deeply and exhale forcefully with an audible sound and the help of the diaphragm. This allows you to release your accumulated tension and strengthen your immune system.
The amazement makes you feel alive again. You feel your heart, you deepen your breath, you allow yourself a quantum of joie de vivre!
Look at something that catches your attention. What could bring you a little joy right now? A bird in a tree? A flower on the windowsill? A picture on the wall? Linger and admire what you notice.
The IMMR (Ich mit mir relax) exercises were developed by Matthias Könning. The systemic family therapist (DGSF) is a life coach at the pme Familienservice Group.