#fürstarkekinder: Animal-assisted pedagogy in the pme-childcare centers
Animal-assisted education is an important educational focus at the pme childcare centers. Contact with animals makes children happy and strong.
Contact with animals is good for children. It is no coincidence that "animal therapists" are an integral part of therapy for children with trauma, disabilities or autism. At pme-childcare centers , we also see children blossom every day when they come into contact with animals. And it doesn't have to be your own childcare center dog: whether snails, insects or worms - every animal is exciting for children and has a positive influence on their development.
Positive influence on child development
Children benefit in many ways from contact with animals. This is confirmed by our many years of experience in animal-assisted education as well as scientific findings.
- Animals have a calming effect on children and promote concentration
- Children learn social skills and a sense of responsibility through contact with animals
- Animals encourage children to talk: Younger children imitate their sounds, older children talk about their experiences with the animals
- Joy, enthusiasm, caution, restraint: animals arouse emotions in children and give them a reason to engage with them
- Animals are "icebreakers" for shy children and offer comfort, especially during the familiarization phase
"It has been scientifically proven that interacting with animals and spending time in nature has a calming effect on the body and mind. Due to the highly stimulating nature of animals, children are usually very focused when in contact with them. They are willing to take on responsibility and help each other in dealing with the animal. By engaging with the animal, resilience is strengthened and a special bonding quality is established. In addition, positive social behavior and self-esteem as well as good self-efficacy are strengthened."
Julia Mondenschein, Central childcare center Coordination at the pme Familienservice
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Species-appropriate husbandry and careful supervision
In our childcare facilities, children can come into contact with animals in a variety of ways. They observe the animal, touch or stroke it, help feed it or care for it. In each facility, animal representatives work with the children to ensure the animal's care and health.
Animal-assisted pedagogy in the pme-childcare centers: Two examples from practice
Hektor the dwarf bearded dragon lives in the Frankfurt Kids OpernTurm crèche. For many children, it is a fixed ritual to greet him first before they go to their group. When Hektor is fed in the morning, two or three children always help out enthusiastically. Hektor often waits eagerly by the glass pane of his terrarium. Even when Hektor has to go to the vet, some of the children are allowed to come with him. If he needs new food or sand for his terrarium, the whole group makes a trip to the pet shop. Hektor has become a permanent member of the group and is a great help, especially when children find it difficult to say goodbye to their parents.
Seven African giant snails, also known as agate snails, live in the terrarium of the InfectoPharm crèche in Heppenheim . The children visit the snails in the morning. Sometimes they can take a snail out of the terrarium together with a teacher and take a close look at it. The bravest among them can even pick up a snail. The children are always very happy when they are allowed to help care for the animals. For example, when the snails are showered with fresh water or when they are given cucumbers and fresh water.