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Three employees do yoga in the office
Body & Soul

What is business yoga?

With yoga in the workplace, employers promote the health of their employees in several ways: mentally, physically, emotionally and socially. pme coach and yoga teacher Fjodor-Sebastian Kendzierski on the benefits of yoga in the workplace and why employers should implement yoga as part of their corporate health management.

Why does yoga in the workplace contribute to positive mental and physical health?

Constant deadlines, trouble with colleagues or hours spent sitting in front of a screen can put a strain on our body and mind. If you regularly incorporate yoga into your week, you will have more energy and self-confidence, better posture and flexibility as well as a stronger immune system. 

"On average, working adults spend around two thirds of the day at their workplace. Work therefore not only has a major influence on employees, but is also an important environment for promoting health (Naidoo and Wills 2003). The need for action to maintain employees' health and thus their ability to work is therefore undisputed. The potential and necessity of occupational health management has been described many times (Luthans and Youssef 2004; Sockoll et al. 2008). Various studies have shown that investments in well-considered concepts for health-promoting measures also pay off financially in the medium term (et al. 2001; Goetzel et al. 2005)."

Dr. Ralf Neuner - Institute for Health Management Illerkirchberg, Germany

Yoga brings a community experience outside the office

A regular live online yoga class also leads to better team morale and a sense of belonging. This is increasingly necessary for teams that are scattered across large distances and only meet virtually. With a real-time yoga practice, with real teachers and real human connection, disconnection and loneliness can be alleviated.

How can yoga in the workplace strengthen and protect your health?

Healthy through a change of perspective

A change of scenery or pace is good for your mental health. If you lie down on the floor to take part in a yoga class, your perspective will also change. Especially if you find a place to practice with lots of natural light or in front of a window. If it's not too cold, it's also very pleasant to open the window.

Yoga is about slowing down, letting go of stress and breathing deeply. This gentle breathing and the combination with gentle stretches for the body slow down the mind and therefore also the pace at which you experience your world.

  Gain strength and flexibility

It's no surprise that exercise and activity are at the top of this list when it comes to getting some movement into your day. Gentle poses help build strength, flexibility and balance in the body and mind, while being easy on the joints. No equipment is needed, anyone can join in and you don't even have to leave your living room or office space.

  Stay in contact

The feeling of loneliness and separation is widespread in today's world. Many of us spend months away from friends, family and places that added a social element to our lives. A regular live online yoga class can give people a sense of belonging and community by participating in real time with a real teacher and real students. The connection that comes from practicing yoga together is truly remarkable and is good for both the individual and team morale. 

  Do something you are good at

Ok, now you might be thinking, "I can't even touch my toes!" The good news is that you don't have to be able to touch your toes to do yoga. You also don't have to think you're good at yoga before you attend your first class.

The other good news is that you will notice improvements in your skills after the first few lessons. I teach a lot of beginners, some of whom are very skeptical about how their bodies will respond to the practice. But ALL of them turn around and say, "Hey, I suddenly have a connection to a part of my body that I didn't even know existed!" If you get to three classes and still don't think you've improved yet, you can always go back to the sofa. 

  Accept who you are 

When you read the next few lines, you may think that this sounds a bit hippyish. Maybe it is, but if you take a little time to come to terms with yourself, it will lead to more self-acceptance over time. I can firmly promise you that with regular yoga practice, you will build a connection with yourself that you may not have experienced since childhood.

  Learn to pay attention to others

It has been scientifically proven that yoga increases compassion. When you start taking better care of yourself, you will automatically free your mind to take better care of the people around you. Be it being more present in your relationships, becoming a better listener or simply being less stressed and agitated and therefore better company for your friends, family and colleagues.

Happy employees lead to healthy companies

If you promote the mental, physical, emotional and social well-being of your employees, you will see an immediate impact on your company. Your employees are your greatest asset. If you take care of them, your employees will take care of you. Yoga reduces stress and increases motivation and concentration. This in turn leads to more productivity and creativity and less absenteeism.

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