Quit fairly: Is that even possible?
The dismissal is on the table, the shock is deep. For many people, losing their job means not only financial losses but also social decline. Dismissal is particularly hard on long-standing and highly qualified employees or managers. But such situations also pose a high risk for companies: their good reputation as an employer is at stake. The solution is outplacement.
Career consultant Jörn Schiemann from the management consultancy 2coach reveals in an interview how outplacement works and what advantages it offers companies.
What exactly is outplacement and what are the opportunities for companies?
Jörn Schiemann: In addition to social responsibility towards the workforce, it is also about safeguarding the company's image by avoiding negative publicity from the employees affected. The separation process as a whole is also shortened, as those affected often leave the company much earlier. This allows the company to adapt to future requirements more quickly and in good time. Supervisors are relieved as there is a contact person for the affected employees in the form of the consultant involved.
Furthermore, if necessary, line managers can be prepared for the upcoming separation talks. This leads to significantly more fairness and professionalism in the separation process. Professional outplacement advice can also significantly reduce the number of legal disputes, as the employees concerned perceive the separation process as more fair overall.
In our role as management consultants, we can also support the company in taking the relevant steps to implement an outplacement process. However, in order to make the process successful overall, it is also important to win over and involve the works council as a supporting partner. Maintaining the working atmosphere within the company avoids sending negative signals to the remaining employees.
Why is outplacement important right now?
In many areas, the times when employees leaving the company encountered an employer market that was more in demand are a thing of the past - certainly also due to the coronavirus pandemic. This makes the experience of established outplacement consulting companies all the more important when it comes to the re-entry of consulting clients. This requires sophisticated and highly individualized strategies. Knowledge of and access to the hidden job market are of fundamental importance. A good existing network of contacts to recruitment agencies or headhunters and the involvement of target companies or unsolicited approaches become the decisive factor for success here.
Who in the company can use outplacement?
In principle, affected employees at all hierarchical levels can benefit from outplacement counseling. The decisive factor is that the consultant has the appropriate ability to meet clients where they are at the moment.
In the case of specialists and managers, for example, the focus of the content-related advice will also include contact strategies with recruitment agencies and headhunters. Social media topics are also an important part of our advice. For example, we support those affected in positioning and presenting themselves correctly on the XING and LinkedIn platforms. For rather simple job profiles, our work often focuses on direct, repeated support with the design of application documents and job search strategies.
How exactly can employees be supported and accompanied if they have to leave the company?
In addition to the conception of appropriate steps for active application, the main focus of consulting today is on professional reorientation. What is important here is, on the one hand, a thorough self-assessment of the employee concerned and, on the other, the experience of the consultant in finding and implementing career and perspective plans. Topics relating to professional follow-up and in-depth qualifications are also part of the consultation. The expectations of clients to realize appropriate repositioning or repositioning have increased significantly in recent years.
What characterizes good outplacement consulting?
From my point of view, every separation that deserves the term "fair" always means a new opportunity. If you take this opportunity seriously, are motivated and reoriented, you will also work constructively on your professional future.
It is essential that the advisor masters the tools of career and perspective counseling. Simply redrafting or redesigning application documents is by no means sufficient advice. The minimum requirement for the consultant should therefore be a completed, recognized coaching training or ideally a qualification as an outplacement and career consultant.
Jörn Schiemann is managing director of 2coach personnel and management consultancy. The certified trainer and coach has been working as an outplacement and career consultant since 1994.
The pme Familienservice has been working with 2coach since 2008, e.g. when it comes to preparing managers for separation situations.
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