What does a compatibility manager do?
Two women, one mission: Fiorella Danker and Svenja Honneff are certified work-life balance managers and want to implement an active work-life balance in companies. We asked them about their motivation and the content of the IHK course.
Who in the company knows which work-life balance models employees want? Who knows the existing measures and offers and is the interface between management and parents, family caregivers and employees who want a better work-life balance?
This is exactly where the compatibility manager certificate course at the Düsseldorf Chamber of Industry and Commerce comes in, imparting skills and specialist knowledge about modern working models, legal conditions and communication and internal networking skills.
Fiorella Danker and Svenja Honneff's training on the certificate course was supported by the pme Familienservice with a partial scholarship. The certificate course was developed by the company smart worq in cooperation with the Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
Introduce yourselves briefly: Who are you and have you ever had problems reconciling work and private life?
Fiorella: My name is Fiorella and we have a good balance between family, work and time. My two-year-old daughter loves going to childcare center, my work at My Collective and as an independent coach is very fulfilling and we enjoy our free time together or sometimes alone with games, sport and fun. I have changed my voluntary work so that my daughter can also be involved. This also applies to the odd sporting activity.
Svenja: I am Svenja Honneff, 33 years young, mom of two wonderful girls (7 and 2 years old) and work 22 hours a week in the back office of the HR department of a medium-sized company. I have always had to balance many areas of my life. I started my part-time Master's degree when I was pregnant with my first daughter and finished it when she was one and a half years old. I went back to work full-time when my daughter was 11 months old. When I was pregnant with my second daughter, it was clear to me that I didn't want to go back to work full-time. My husband is self-employed and is only home late at night, so care work is mainly my responsibility.
"As a work-life balance manager, I develop concepts and measures that are beneficial for employees and companies."
Fiorella Danker, mother and coach, Fiorella Danker Coaching
Why do companies need a work-life balance manager?
Fiorella: There are now enough studies that show that work-life balance has a positive effect on employee satisfaction and loyalty. It is therefore important that companies talk openly about this topic and implement individual work-life balance models. As a work-life balance manager, I focus on the individual needs of employees and the company and develop concepts and measures that are beneficial for everyone. In addition, people learn to deal more openly with the topics of work-life balance and needs.
Svenja : Today's life models and phases have changed a lot compared to the past. Providing employees with the necessary support in the form of appropriate work-life balance measures cannot be done by a traditional HR department or manager on the side. It is therefore an advantage to have someone in the company who is familiar with the measures and options and can pass them on to the workforce.
What experiences did you have on the course? And what was the biggest surprise for you?
Svenja : I was definitely surprised by the large number of work-life balance measures that already exist in corporations and how far removed some SMEs are from this status quo. What's more, I was never aware of the care and workforce problem we are heading towards as soon as the baby boomers retire.
What will it take to achieve an even better work-life balance in the future?
Fiorella: Tolerance and openness, and above all many people (especially decision-makers) who are ready for change and have a positive attitude towards it.
Svenja: The topic definitely needs more social attention. Many people and companies are not yet aware of the urgency. In the prevailing employee market, a rethink is unavoidable in order to remain competitive, especially as a medium-sized employer. We need managers who live this issue and lead by example so that work-life balance is no longer dismissed as a weakness or an issue for mothers.
"Compatibility measures cannot be handled by a traditional HR department or manager on the side."
Svenja Honneff, mother, back-office HR employee, Marx Group
Are compatibility managers replacing EAP (Employee Assistance Program) services such as those provided by pme Familienservice?
Svenja: The pme Familienservice is an important support for all compatibility managers to accompany the measures with various services (e.g. finding and arranging childcare places). This service should remain with the relevant service providers.
Fiorella: While work-life balance managers tend to set up and expand the rough framework, service providers such as pme Familienservice are responsible for specific offers and advice and are indispensable.
What concepts, projects and future plans do you have as compatibility managers?
Fiorella: I want to pass on the knowledge I have gained, the great ideas and concepts. And because it's a topic that interests almost everyone, there are lots of opportunities to talk about it, and very often this leads to further ideas. It's good both to make those responsible in companies aware of their potential impact and to show those affected what is conceivable and what is already being implemented in other companies.
Svenja: I definitely want to change something and make a difference in society or draw attention to this issue. I can't yet say exactly what the path will look like. I haven't yet decided whether I will implement the topic in a company as a compatibility manager or set up my own business.
If you only had to snap your fingers, what would you change in your company or in general?
Svenja: I hope that the problem is seen in my company and that the need for a rethink is recognized. The first measures are flexible working time models, the option to work remotely and definitely management training. I would also very much welcome at least one woman in a management position.
All information on the next round of the IHK certification course can be found here: https://smartworq.de
As part of the course, experts from pme Familienservice will provide insights into how the various EAP services can strengthen the work-life balance concept of companies.