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A young woman sits laughing in front of her laptop in the office and changes her password

How a password changes your life

Do you have a goal that you have so far failed to achieve? Or a dream that you really want to fulfill? Then change your password. It's best to start today.

Have you ever heard the name Mauricio Estrella? In 2011, he had one of those tricky days that life sometimes throws at you, but which can also provide the right impetus for big changes.

On the morning of that day, everything that could go wrong went wrong. He was also in a bad mood - caused by the divorce from his wife. Then he had a brilliant idea. He sat down at his work computer in the morning and simply changed his password. And that changed his life forever.

Change password = change life?!

This new password was: forgive@h3r - Forgive her . For a month, he typed this one password into his work computer every morning and internalized it like a mantra.

It helped Estrella: At the end of the 30 days, he forgave his ex-wife.

Positive brain training via password

In Psychology Today, stress and resilience expert Paula Davis-Laack recognizes positive brain training via passwords as a form of priming. This technique is used in psychology to train a person's memory both positively and negatively. Key words are used to change thoughts and actions in a certain direction.

One month later, Mauricio Estrella changed his password again: Quit@smoking4ever. It wasn't easy for him, but typing it in motivated him day after day - and he stopped smoking.

In the months that followed, new mantras were added, which he successfully implemented, such as: Save4trip@thailand, Sleep@before12 or Facetime2mom@sunday. Password therapy changed his life forever, as he says.

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Password therapy: Now it's your turn!

Do you have goals that you have always failed to achieve? Then try password therapy!

Change your password on the work computer or in your email account that you use every day. This gives you the opportunity to consolidate your mantra into a mindset every day.

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