Author Vera Starker on confidence
Vera Starker is certain that we can shape our lives and society positively through confidence, especially in uncertain times. In this interview, bestselling Spiegel author Vera talks about how confidence can act as a shaping force in our society. She shares personal experiences and provides inspiration on how we can remain optimistic in times of crisis and actively bring about positive change.
For me, "being courageous" means acting despite fears.
"Courage to be confident" is a very powerful title. What inspired you personally to write a book that deals intensively with this topic?
Vera Starker: I am a confident person by nature. But last year, I realized that all the negative news was increasingly sapping my energy. This led me to take a closer look at the topic of confidence on a scientific level.
For me, "being courageous" means acting despite fears. And confidence is the key to finding this courage. At a time when we are confronted with many uncertainties, we need the confidence to embrace positive change and take action.
In your book, you emphasize the transformative power of confidence. How do you see the role of confidence as a shaping force in our society?
Vera Starker: Confidence has the potential to keep us capable of acting, even in the midst of crises. It enables us not to remain powerless, but to actively seek solutions to solve complex problems.
Especially in the future, in a world full of challenges, the power of confidence will be crucial in order to continuously adapt and enable positive change. Without confidence, all we can do is hesitate - with confidence, we can create.
In your opinion, what is the first step that each of us can take to actively bring about positive change?
Vera Starker: It is important to recognize where we can actually have an impact. Confidence arises above all when we have the feeling that we can make a difference. We should focus on the areas where we can make a direct difference instead of being overwhelmed by things that are beyond our reach.
The next step is to set realistic goals that match our skills. If we set ourselves goals that are too high and cannot be achieved, we lose our sense of effectiveness. The power of confidence lies in remaining capable of action and bringing about positive change in the areas over which we have influence.
Hate is destructive - confidence is the exact opposite.
In one chapter of your book, you deal intensively with the topic of hate. How can we as a society learn to overcome hate and what role does confidence play in bringing about positive change?
Vera Starker: Hate is destructive - confidence is the exact opposite. We have to decide whether we react to hate or rely on confidence. Confidence means clearly recognizing challenges and then looking for opportunities to act - even if they seem small at first.
It is crucial to surround yourself with people who also have a constructive attitude and strive for positive change. Cohesion creates a force that enables us to move in a positive direction as a society.
Was there a personal moment in your life when "courage to be confident" played a decisive role for you? If so, could you tell us more about it?
Vera Starker: Yes, in my youth I had some very challenging human experiences that presented me with a difficult decision: Should these events define my life or could I overcome them?
I decided to overcome them, which made me realize that there is always a way - no matter how small it may seem. However, sometimes it takes great courage not to give up and to keep going.
This moment taught me that confidence doesn't mean closing your eyes to problems, but finding the courage to carry on despite everything.
Find out how a confident attitude can improve your quality of life and bring about positive change. SPIEGEL bestselling author and management consultant Vera Starker makes it clear: confidence is not optimism, nor rose-colored glasses, but creative power and goal orientation.
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