Media education: it's better together
In an article summarizing the results, they write, among other things:
A child needs just as much support to deal with media confidently as a child learning their mother tongue. Professionals have an important advisory and support function here and can also compensate for existing inequalities in children's media socialization".
Playing or learning? A question of role models
Whether children view media as pure entertainment devices or use them to expand their knowledge is very much influenced by their parents' media use. Parents should therefore be given fundamental support and information about media in order to be able to correctly assess the opportunities and dangers.
As many parents do not feel confident in the world of media and media education, an important task of early childhood media education is to work with parents and guardians. Educational professionals have the opportunity to inform parents about the consequences of their personal media use and to provide them with support and advice. In order to be able to provide them with professionally qualified advice, up-to-date media education expertise and corresponding skills in parent education and counseling are required.
"Our aim is to provide parents with competent support"
"Is digital media harmful to my child's development? How long should my child be allowed to use each medium? What is suitable for which age? Can I leave my child alone with digital media?". Parents with such questions are in good hands at pme Lernwelten . All of our specialists are trained to provide parents with expert advice on media education. In addition to these personal discussions, we also offer parents' evenings and talks specifically on media education for the parents of our childcare center children - often in cooperation with media education specialists and networks. Here, parents can ask their questions and receive lots of practical tips on how to use digital media creatively and on data and youth protection.
Andrea Funke
Division management central childcare center-coordination pme Lernwelten
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