Finance & Law

Finance & Law

Asset issuer

		A man and a woman are sitting at the table. She is happily shaking the piggy bank and he has coins in his hand and is laughing.
	Finance & Law

75 years of Peter Zwegat: Debt is not taboo!

Debt is not embarrassing. Peter Zwegat's show "Raus aus den Schulden" (Get out of debt) made debt counselling popular and removed the taboo surrounding it. Today would be his 75th birthday.

		A hand throws a coin into a piggy bank
	Finance & Law

How to protect your Christmas bonus from garnishment!

If you have financial problems and debts, you can still be happy: the Christmas bonus is protected from seizure up to 750 euros.

		Woman with cancer
	Finance & Law

Financial help and support for cancer

Home help, disability pass, exemption from co-payments and more: an overview of help with cancer.

Off to the vacation program!

Finance & Law