Music teacher Böller: "Processing the experience with games"
"Games enable children to deal with topics from the real world," says music teacher Marion Böller.
Hello Marion, you have been a speaker at the Child Day Care Congress for many years. What do you like about it?
Marion Böller: I really appreciate the fact that the congress is so carefully organized by the pme team and that the needs of the participants are met in every respect. This includes interesting topics that are important for day care, the exchange among each other, meeting new people, the warm-heartedness of everyone from the pme team. It always feels like a big "family" coming together after a long time.
"Understanding each other without complications - playing, talking, eating" is the title of your workshop. What can participants expect?
Games have been around for as long as mankind has been on earth. But how did people play in the past and how do we play today? What types of games are there and how can we create new games? In my workshop there is a theoretical part, which we then put into practice. We will discover old games and invent new ones.
Why is play so important in childcare?
Games stimulate the imagination and enable children to deal with real-world issues. Playing therefore also means processing experiences.
"Play, talk, eat" - what's the food in your workshop title all about?
Eating means life and enjoyment. Eating together at the table with an opening ritual such as a verse, rhyme or song seals the beginning together and means community, learning to share, getting to know other cultures.
Eating also encourages children to concentrate by holding a fork and knife, preparing and cutting food. We can combine many of the skills that children need for their development in play and also with the topic of "food".
Music is your hobby. Will it also be musical in your workshop?
It will certainly be musical again, as many of the games involve music and songs. And not just musical games, there will also be some verses, rhymes and songs about food.
Last year, the congress was only held online due to the coronavirus pandemic. This year, we opted for the hybrid format. Is this the future?
Corona has taught us that new ways are sometimes just as good or even better. Change is often difficult, but the hybrid form has many advantages in my opinion. There are people who can't simply travel to a seminar for a weekend because they don't have childcare, for example. Or they can't afford the costs or don't like large gatherings of people. The hybrid form allows us to reach more people with different needs.
What would you like to say at the end?
You are all great.
Marion Böller is an educator, music teacher and children's songwriter. She founded the LÜTTE SKOL music school in Hamburg 12 years ago, offering face-to-face lessons, online training and webinars.
Click here for the website of the Academy of Music Lütte Skol Academy.