Test: Which time type are you?
Do you work better with clear time divisions and guidelines, or do you need a certain amount of "chaos" to be able to work productively? Use our specially developed time type test to find out which type you are and how you can optimize your time management.
People are different. There have always been structured analysts and creative thinkers. Both types have their place. But the requirements are shifting: being analytical and structured is still important, but is no longer enough. To survive in today's working world, agility and creativity are increasingly in demand. On the other hand, there is often a lack of focus where creativity has the upper hand.
With the increasing influence of digital technologies and information overload in our Western society, the way we deal with time and approach tasks is changing. Our time is characterized by a shorter attention span, increased distractibility and the increasing difficulty of focusing. This makes it more challenging to maintain clear time schedules and work productively. It requires a conscious adaptation of time management to take these changes into account and deal with them effectively. It is therefore important to reflect: How do I deal with time as a person and what behavior do I need to learn and practice in order to remain effective, satisfied and healthy in today's world?
Are you monochronic or polychronic?
What sense of time do you have? Do you see time as a linear sequence of minutes, hours and days, divisible and plannable? Then you are probably a monochronic person with a structured and analytical approach to time. Or do you see time as an endlessly flowing stream that connects the past with the future? Then you are probably a polychronic person who likes a creative and spontaneous approach.
The right instruments for every type
In order to work happily and effectively, we need proportions of both extremes. Use the time type test to discover which type predominates in you. Even if you cannot always change the framework conditions, you will recognize how you can best "manage" your time and approach your tasks. Last but not least, you will also recognize which of the many self-management and time management tools are useful for you.
22 simple questions in 1 minute: Click here for the time type test.