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To the data protection settings "Childcare for employees | pme Familienservice
Advice and placement
for your employees
We provide support on the following topics
Our quality promise
Nationwide service, fast mediation. |
Permanent, specialized consultants. |
Tested childcare services. |
Work:Life Magazine
Childcare as a success factor
for your company
Childcare solutions,
make parents happy.
Online portal: My.Familienservice
With our information portal "My.Familienservice" provide your working parents with comprehensive information and materials on pregnancy, maternity leave, parental leave, child benefit and much more. Integrated database for searching for suitable childcare providers and vacancies childcare center and school places. With a large download area, video tutorials and e-coaching. Including individual start page with your employer logo. Optimized for all end devices.
Individual childcare placement
We work together with parents to create sustainable childcare solutions. By providing childcare services in private households, childminders, au pairs, places in childcare facilities, vacation offers, schools, homework and tutoring or home helps, working parents are relieved of childcare tasks. We have a pool of emergency caregivers and back-up facilities, especially for short-term needs!
Support in emergencies and at weekends
It is often impossible to find childcare, especially at off-peak times when childcare center or school is closed or during the vacations. Our childcare services cover all conceivable options. We offer highly qualified childcare solutions, even for emergencies or at weekends.
24-hour hotline for parents
Whether childcare in exceptional situations, parenting issues, family finances or help with birth and pregnancy - with the anonymous 24-hour parenting hotline, you can support your employees in all areas relating to family life. . The hotline is available around the clock, 365 days a year. Your employees will be advised exclusively by pme Familienservice experts with an additional qualification in systemic solution-oriented counseling.
Parental counseling
From pregnancy and birth to the child's adulthood - every phase has its upsides and challenges. Our team of social pedagogues, educators and parent counselors supports parents in every phase and takes the pressure off everyday professional and private life.
Parents' Academy
Every year, over 400 seminars, webinars, specialist lectures, workshops, advice centers, group coaching sessions and e-learning courses for parents and co-parenting family members are offered at the pme Parents' Academy. The topics range from administrative procedures for parents-to-be and child development issues to dealing with school problems, puberty and career guidance. Online, on-site or in-house at your company.
Have we sparked your interest?
We would be happy to discuss with you how pme can support you.

For 30 years: Holistic support for family and career.
Current events
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Mindance App - Healthy relaxation for happy parents
Verified qualitystandards
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