Educational concept
of the learning worlds-childcare centers

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Children have 100 languages to express their inner and outer world. We give them the framework and the support they need to express themselves creatively.

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Rooms for children

With a prepared environment, we invite children to become active and creative. Our childcare centers offers children plenty of space for movement as well as play and construction projects, which are welcome to be larger.

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Relationship quality

Children need reliable relationships in order to research, explore and learn about the world. Our teachers are the "safe haven" that children can always come to.

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Development support

We observe each child carefully and are sensitive to their signals. In this way, we accompany the children as they take their individual developmental steps.
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From the very beginning, children experience that their rights and needs are taken seriously and that they can make a difference. We treat every child with respect and support them in recognizing their needs and standing up for them. 

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 Partnership with parents

Working in partnership with parents is a cornerstone of our work. We support parents in balancing work and family life and stand by their side as a trustworthy partner.

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Pikler pedagogy - the basis of our work 

Children learn when they feel safe and secure. This principle of Emmi Pikler's pedagogy determines our approach to your child. In our childcare centers children find an environment in which they can try things out freely and independently. This is because a child who achieves something through independent experimentation acquires completely different knowledge than a child who is offered a ready-made solution.

Media education right from the start 

Children get creative with iPads, robots and the like in our childcare centers : a picture book is turned into a radio play, self-made photos are used to create picture puzzles or memory games, children go on a journey of discovery in nature with iPads and digital microscopes. Whatever it is - the children always use digital media actively, they create, document, research, observe and present. They develop media skills in a playful way - a fundamental future skill for children.

Benefit from our expertise in digital education: We advise and support providers and institutions in the digitalization of childcare centers and schools.

Animal-assisted pedagogy

Dogs, fish, snails and many other animals romp around in the pme Lernwelten. The mere presence of the animals has a delightful effect on children. And when they are allowed to help feed them or pick up an animal, it is a highlight of the day. In contact with animals, children blossom, calm down and learn empathy and a sense of responsibility.

Language support integrated into everyday life

Children naturally enjoy communicating. They are curious and want to understand the world. Language education takes place everywhere and at all times at our childcare centers , because language is the key to the world. We listen to the children, ask questions, pick up on their interests and accompany our everyday activities with language. In doing so, we include English and the children's different family languages.

Observation and documentation

In order to provide children with the best possible support, we need to understand what concerns them and how they learn. We recognize the children's learning and development topics through observation. By observing, we can respond individually to their interests, talk to them about their topics and make targeted offers to deepen their knowledge. We use pictures and language to document the children's learning and give them feedback on their development and successes. They experience appreciation, feel seen and gain confidence in their own abilities.

Needs-oriented pedagogy

Even though all children face the same developmental challenges, every child is different and develops at their own pace. Our pedagogy is always geared towards the needs of the children. We observe each child attentively, are sensitive to their signals and support them in taking their individual developmental steps. We show confidence in the children's ability to solve problems and give them the necessary self-confidence to do so with verbal support and non-verbal signals.

Participation and children's rights

With us, the children speak and decide! In the room design or the decision "do I take part in the morning circle or do I continue building my tower"? In group rules and who should be the caregiver - in short, in all decisions that affect them. According to the principles of Pikler's pedagogy, we treat the children with respect and support them in recognizing their needs and standing up for them. The adults accept a "no" from the child, which is an important element of child protection. From the very beginning, children experience that their rights and needs are taken seriously and that they can make a difference. As a sponsor, we are working with prominent campaigners to enshrine children's rights in the German constitution.

Flexibility and service for parents

Demand-oriented opening hours, short closing times: Our childcare centers makes compatibility possible. A free 24/7 hotline especially for childcare center parents provides relief in the event of family problems, stress or overwork. Lectures, webinars and group coaching sessions on family and parenting topics provide you with valuable practical ideas and the opportunity to exchange ideas with experts and other parents. 

Uncomplicated communication thanks to the parent app 

An eventful excursion, an exciting experiment or a child's first steps in the crèche - these are all moments that you can share thanks to the parent app. Photos and messages give you an insight into your child's day, you can easily sign your child in and out and communicate quickly with the educational team.

Standardized quality management (DIN EN ISO 9001:2015).

Annual institutional analyses.

In-house child protection specialists (IseF).

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"The pme Familienservice is a long-standing cooperation partner for us and a reliable point of contact for our employees when it comes to childcare and nursing care. We also value the pme Familienservice as the provider of our in-house childcare center Mia Stihl."


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