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Happy pennant
Body & Soul

How to become the CEO of your own happiness

As CEO of the pme Familienservice Group, Alexa Ahmad has a lot on her plate. And in her private life, things sometimes get busy too. Nevertheless, she manages to be happy at least once a day. For today's World Day of Happiness, Alexa Ahmad has a tip that will also make you happier in the long term.

Text: Alexa Ahmad

There are days when there are simply too many different tasks waiting for us. One meeting follows the next, then a quick video call, then checking emails ... and at home, family, home and garden are waiting. Sometimes the mountain of daily tasks seems insurmountable. Nobody can cope with that in the long term.

I can say that periods of personal and professional stress don't throw me off course very often. Crises don't last long for me and rarely make me ill. My life is very resilient. Because I have resolved to simply be happy.

My tip: Find a little happiness in everyday life

I do something I enjoy at least once a day.

Sounds simple, but it is! Whether it's going for a walk with my dogs after a long day at work, cooking something delicious or meeting up with a good friend for a phone call. The hardest part is sticking to it and planning your little moments of happiness every day - no matter how exhausted you are.

Tonight, for example, I have another exhausting team meeting and then at least another hour of work. I certainly won't get home before 10 pm. But that's not too bad for me. I'm going to take the dogs for a walk around the village and lay fresh eggs from my chickens on the doorstep of my lovely neighbors. I've been looking forward to that all day. It makes me happy.

Just like me, you are responsible for your own happiness. Reward yourself every day. Even trivial things that seem obvious can make you happy. Because they are often not for others.

Recharge your batteries and remember to be a little happy every day.

Yours, Alexa Ahmad

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