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Christoph Herr
Body & Soul

Mental strength in sport: "Performance and inner drive"

What does it mean to be mentally strong?

Christoph Herr: In this context, we often talk about stress resistance, also known as resilience. The ability to withstand psychological pressure is a key characteristic of mental strength. This is also demonstrated by a positive and constructive way of dealing with failure and the ability to concentrate in order to achieve full performance at the desired time.

How can I tell whether I am mentally strong or not?

Christoph Herr: A strong sense of self-worth and a high expectation of self-efficacy play a decisive role here. For example, if I can face difficult and challenging situations with confidence or maintain inner calm in such moments, these are signs of mental strength.

Your job is to keep competitive athletes mentally fit. How exactly does that work?

Christoph Herr: Sports psychology is a very multifaceted professional field that is dedicated to both team processes and the individuality of individuals. In sports psychology, for example, we need to be able to conduct conversations and have a high degree of empathy.

Basically, my attitude towards the teams and athletes is "as passive as possible, as active as necessary". Through an observational role, I am always available to coaches and players as a neutral contact person. In one-on-one sessions, we discuss a wide variety of topics, which can range from private contexts to injury situations and mental blockages. We can provide support here with various exercises, e.g. for competition preparation, focus and relaxation. In a team context, for example, measures for team building, goal setting or conflict management can also be incorporated.

Can you train mental strength? If so, how?

Christoph Herr: First and foremost, it is important to be mindful of yourself. The topic of "relaxation methods" is currently growing rapidly and is increasingly being brought into the context of mindfulness, meditation and yoga. The aim of all these methods is to develop a better feeling for yourself and your situation. Various approaches to self-reflection also help here. For example, we can collect adjectives that describe ourselves and reflect on them with external people from our social environment.

The relaxation methods mentioned above can be trained through breathing techniques - similar to the topic of "concentration and focus". The social environment has a major influence on the feeling of psychological and emotional security, which is essential for the development of positive thinking and therefore mental strength.

Which method of training mental strength works best?

Christoph Herr: There is no recipe that works equally well for everyone, as we humans are very different and individual. Mental training, for example, can use various visualization techniques to help players prepare for important situations by specifically imagining and going through them in their mind's eye. On the one hand, this helps to internalize certain processes, and on the other hand, it can minimize fear of failure.

How can I integrate this into my everyday life? What tips do you have?

Christoph Herr: One advantage of mental training is that it can be done anywhere and at any time. You can incorporate short breathing techniques or closing your eyes and brief visualization in situations that are challenging. For competition preparation - for everyday life, job interviews can be used as a comparison, for example - or as training preparation, 10 to 15-minute sessions in the evening can help you prepare for upcoming situations or consolidate certain processes.

Professional soccer players are full of energy, concentration and drive during the game. How do they manage to activate this level to the point?

Christoph Herr: Through the approaches mentioned above. Precise retrieval of the desired performance is the result of mental strength as well as strong intrinsic (self-driven) motivation and willpower to face the challenges again and again.

Can I do this even if I find it difficult to start the day in the morning? Can I call on my mental strength when I need it?

Christoph Herr: For example, I can use rituals and routines to give myself small aids that enable me to overcome my inner resistance. It's important to set yourself small goals on days like this and focus on physical activity and fresh air, for example, before thoughts of other upcoming challenges take over.

To what extent is mental strength the key to health, success and community?

Christoph Herr: Mental strength can play a decisive role in (mental) health. It is important that we clearly separate mental illness from mental strength! Sports psychology is primarily dedicated to positive psychology, which focuses on maintaining and developing performance. As already described, a good team structure is very important for joint success, which is why creating identification with the team and shared values are always part of our work.

How can Mindance help to develop mental strength? How has it been used at the DFB?

Christoph Herr: Mindance 's digital offering of sports psychology content can help users to find a balance between tension and relaxation in addition to techniques for self-awareness and self-reflection. This can promote the development of mental strength.

Mindance's offer was used by two DFB U-national teams and tested for several months. In the process, Mindance used a training plan to teach various relaxation techniques with regard to mindfulness-based content and gain experience in cognitive flexibility (perception and decision-making behavior).


Christoph Herr is a sports psychology expert M.Sc. & freelance coach. Originally from Überlingen on Lake Constance and now living in Heidelberg, the sports psychology expert has been working with competitive athletes and private individuals throughout Germany since 2014. His passion for sport and its challenges, especially in the mental area, motivated him to support other people in the long term.


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