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Old man with young people
Age & care

Dealing with dementia patients: 10 tips

When a person falls ill with dementia, it is a huge challenge for relatives and loved ones. Tips on how to avoid arguments and overload and how to experience wonderful moments together despite the illness.

1. inform yourself about the clinical picture

In order to understand the disease and the changes it brings with it, it is important to be as well informed as possible.

2. maintain important habits

People with dementia should be able to take part in their beloved regulars' table or coffee with friends for as long as possible, for example. This gives those affected a sense of familiarity and security.

3. make sure you have a consistent daily routine

Do not overwhelm those affected with too many or too stressful activities (e.g. noise, crowds). People with dementia find it difficult to cope with sensory overload and too much choice. Repetitive processes, routines and structures are helpful.

4. do not argue

People with dementia follow their own logic and cannot usually be convinced with arguments. Therefore, avoid pointless verbal battles that only create a bad atmosphere. Try to resolve conflicts by distracting them, for example.

5. stay calm

Do not take emotional fluctuations and aggression personally. They can be very stressful, but are typical symptoms of the disease. Seek help in good time if you notice that you are reaching your limits.

6. practice patience

Speak clearly and slowly and in simple, short sentences. Repeat what you have said as necessary and give the person concerned enough time to react.

7. provide orientation

Large clocks, easy-to-read signs (e.g. on drawers), a calendar with the current date and important messages on a board can make it easier for those affected to find their way around in terms of time and space.

8. stay in contact

As the disease progresses, verbal communication becomes increasingly difficult. This makes it all the more important to stay in contact with the affected person through physical closeness, looks and gestures.

9. often talk about good experiences in the past

Long-term memory is still retained in the early stages of dementia, and fond memories often evoke positive feelings in those affected.

10. think about yourself

Looking after and caring for dementia patients is a major challenge, even for professionals. Remember to take time out for yourself to recharge your batteries. Make use of outside help and advice and talk to family and friends about your worries and needs. Many carers find it very helpful to talk to other people in the same situation.

Background: What impact does dementia have on people's everyday lives?

In addition to impaired memory, dementia causes various problems in everyday life. Among other things, it affects language, learning, object use and memory. 

  • The field of vision is restricted in people with dementia. Among other things, this increases the risk in road traffic. 
  • Spatial vision is impaired; for example, it is difficult for those affected to recognize what is in front and what is behind.
  • Navigation is more difficult: when we walk through rooms, for example, a motor pattern and an internal map are created in the brain. Making this connection is a complex task that is more difficult with dementia. 
  • Object recognition is impaired and those affected can no longer recognize contours well. 
  • Those affected find it difficult to recognize and assign acoustic signals. 
  • The perception of odors is severely restricted. 

Source: Alzheimer Society

What improves the quality of life of people with dementia?

There are several factors that have a positive influence on the quality of life of people with dementia.

The following are particularly beneficial for your well-being: 

  • Activity
  • Contact with other people
  • Living in a home environment
  • The feeling of being accepted

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