Episode 28: Is my job making me ill?
"Work makes you sick!", "Burnout is my own fault!": There are many myths circulating in the world of work. In this podcast episode, we subject 5 myths to a radical check, together with Dr. Eva Elisa Schneider, psychologist and expert for mental health at work.
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To the data protection settings "You probably know someone who has complained about their work, tired and in a bad mood, saying: "Work makes you sick!". But is it the work that makes you ill, or is it rather the many to-dos that seem almost impossible to manage? Or perhaps a boss who shows too little appreciation?
Dr. Eva Elisa Schneider has brought us 5 myths from the world of work that she encounters time and again in her work as a trainer and coach:
1:39 Myth 1: "Work makes you ill"
9:39 Myth 2: "If you're depressed, you can't work."
14:15 Myth 3: "Everyone needs therapy"
4. "Once sick, always sick."
5. "Burnout is my own fault."
I'll say it: Chronically ill at work
Cheerful to stormy - the everyday podcast
Welcome to "Heiter bis stürmisch" - the everyday podcast with Olli Schmidt. Cheerful or saddened to death: life has ups and downs.
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