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Cheerful woman after waking up
Body & Soul

Get the day off to a flying start: 3 refreshing morning rituals

Does the snooze function on your alarm clock do several extra rounds every morning? Does your day start with a bad mood or even a hectic pace? Then try a few refreshing morning rituals. The best thing about them: they only take a minute.

Drinking instead of snoozing

As tempting as it is to keep hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock, this tactic tends to get in the way of a refreshed start to the day. The reason: constantly waking up and dozing off again confuses the body, the brain no longer knows whether it should be awake or tired. In the end, it will take you much longer to really wake up. It's better to grab a glass of water as soon as you wake up: we often find it so difficult to get going because we are dehydrated. It's best to put a glass or bottle of water on your bedside table as soon as you go to bed.

Be grateful

Every morning is gray for you? Without you knowing why? Try to actively influence your mood. You can do this by finding three things you are grateful for every morning and writing them down. Want to bet that your mood will suddenly improve? And you can bet that upcoming annoyances such as a crowded subway will no longer seem so important?

Lively through exercise

Do you usually go straight from bed to the breakfast table - with a slight detour via the coffee machine? Then try a little exercise in the morning: whether it's yoga, sit-ups, classics from gym class such as squats or jumping jacks or simply a short walk around the house - what you choose is entirely up to you. Here too, one minute is enough to make you feel much more alert.

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