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Alarm clock snooze button
Body & Soul

You snooze, you lose? How to use the snooze button correctly

The snooze function on alarm clocks has a bad reputation. But when used correctly, it can be a valuable way to start the day. 7 tips for waking up better in the morning.

Do you know this? It's Monday morning. The alarm clock rings. You jump out of bed, fit as a fiddle, and start the day in a great mood and relaxed with a healthy breakfast ...

No? Then you're probably like most working people. For me, it usually looks like this: The alarm clock on my smartphone rings at 6:30 a.m. on the dot, I move the snooze slider to Zzzz for sleep on, because getting up five, ten or fifteen minutes later is actually still okay. Do you recognize yourself in this?

When the alarm clock rings three times

In recent years, the snooze button has repeatedly been the subject of controversy. The core of the criticism of the snooze button is that it does not make those affected fitter, but more tired - and even promotes illness.

However, the snooze function is not as bad as its reputation.

Because only those who are rudely torn from deep sleep (and therefore too early) and repeatedly snooze for a few more minutes can no longer return to the quality of sleep they were in before the alarm clock rang. This can trigger so-called sleep inertia. The risk of an increased BMI increases, as does the risk of developing diseases such as diabetes. It therefore makes no sense to set your alarm clock an hour before your actual wake-up time.

Social disease: fatigue

But how do you manage not to be torn from a deep sleep in the morning? The renowned sleep researcher David Dinges found that most people do not have a healthy sleep and sleep less than the recommended seven to seven and a half hours per night.

In recent years, many people have been increasingly using their smartphones, tablets or laptops - even right before going to bed. Their blue light inhibits melatonin production and completely disrupts the sleep rhythm. You feel awake even though you are ready for bed. The result: a chronic lack of sleep (social jet lag). You are simply exhausted in the morning. Getting up is torture. 

Using the snooze button correctly

If you press the snooze button in the morning, you have the option of waking up a little longer. The body slowly gets used to getting up and waking up is smoother. 

The risk of you falling back into deep sleep at your usual wake-up time is low, as your body slowly adjusts to the fact that you will soon be waking up.

However, it is important not to snooze several times in a row, otherwise you run the risk of falling into a sleep-wake rhythm that will make you even more tired . Use the snooze function to slowly get going and structure your day mentally. This will make getting up much more relaxed!

7 tips for waking up better

  1. Go to sleep in good time so that your body has the time it needs to fully regenerate for the next working day.
  2. Get to know yourself: Some people need eight hours or more for a restful sleep, while six to seven hours is enough for some people. This way, you can adjust your bedtime to your wake-up time and won't be rudely awakened by the alarm clock in the morning.
  3. Do you like to snooze a lot and feel tired in the morning? Set your alarm clock shortly before you get up so that you don't have to press the snooze button more than once or twice at short intervals. Get into the habit of timing your alarm clock long before you actually get up. Because then you will lose valuable sleep time.
  4. You just can't get out of bed in the morning - no matter what you do? Then set your alarm clock on time or a few minutes later, but not so late that you have to rush.
  5. A little challenge on gloomy winter days: let the light in! In the morning, the human body needs plenty of light to start the day feeling invigorated and wide awake.
  6. Get up slowly, drink a glass of water (against dehydration) and energize your body by eating a light and healthy breakfast.
  7. Very important! Stop using your cell phone, laptop etc. at least 60 minutes before going to bed. You will find it easier to fall asleep straight away.

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