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to be seen are Derya Bobrik and Oliver Schmidt

Episode 29: Dealing with extreme positions at work

We can see it in the current election results, in the comments on social media or in a conversation at the coffee machine in the office: our society is deeply divided on issues such as war, migration, climate change, gender or vaccination. Polarization does not stop at families and friendships. Of course, this also applies to the world of work, where conflicts and differences of opinion can put a strain on team morale.

In this podcast episode, we talk to psychologist and life coach Derya Bobrik and clarify: How can we stay in conversation, even if our opinions on the issues of our time differ greatly? Where are the boundaries, and where can we find common ground again through curiosity and openness?

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Derya is a psychologist and coach and works as a life coach at pme Familienservice in Hamburg.

1:30 What can I do if statements from other people make me angry?

10:00 How can we talk constructively about different values?

17:14 Are you actually not allowed to say anything anymore? What if it's meant as a joke?

22:45 How do extreme positions influence the working atmosphere and productivity in a team?

29:14 Where does the willingness to express extreme positions come from?

42:00 How can I work well in a team despite strongly divergent positions?

45:46 What can I do if colleagues make transgressive statements? Where can I get help?

Interview with the author and psychologist Anne Otto: "You can learn to show attitude"

M. Sherif, O. J. Harvey, B. J. White, W. R. Hood, C. W. Sherif: Intergroup conflict and cooperation: the Robbers Cave experiment. University of Oklahoma Book Exchange, Norman 1961 

Stanford Prison experiment (1971, Zimbardo)

Asch's conformity experiment - Asch, S. E. (1951). Effects of group pressure upon the modification and distortion of judgment. In H. Guetzkow (ed.) Groups, leadership and men. Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Press.  

Cheerful to stormy - the everyday podcast

Welcome to "Heiter bis stürmisch" - the everyday podcast with Olli Schmidt. Cheerful or saddened to death: life has ups and downs.

That's what we're all about: everyday crises such as arguments with your partner, parenting issues, stress at work, insecurities and anxiety. We talk to experts and give you practical tips to help you deal better with crises and challenges.

You can listen to our podcast on all known podcast platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, Audible etc.)!

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