How does quick-wittedness work, Nicole Staudinger?
When was the last time you were annoyed that you didn't counter an inappropriate comment from your colleague or the unfriendly bus driver? You can learn to be quick-witted, says bestselling author Nicole Staudinger.
1 Why are we so often at a loss when it comes to giving a quick-witted answer or countering a hurtful remark?
Nicole Staudinger: Most of the time, what we hear is so cheeky, or hurtful or surprising that we are still preoccupied with the question "Did he or she really just say that?". And then, unfortunately, our time for an answer has run out.
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To the data protection settings "2. you say that anyone can learn repartee. What belongs in the basic kit?
Nicole Staudinger: We usually only have three seconds to react. So there's no room for thinking "If I say this now, what will the other person think of me?". That's why "Don't think too much!" belongs in the basic kit.
3. please give us a tip that we can implement directly.
Nicole Staudinger: My definition of quick-wittedness is: Who do I allow to steal my valuable time through anger? With this attitude in mind, a two-syllable answer like "Oh, what?" is often enough. You can try this out right now.
Headline photo: Stefan Neumann