3 tips against anger: Let go of anger!
Have you ever been so annoyed with someone or something that you were angry for hours or days afterwards and couldn't let go mentally? With these three emergency tips, the anger is guaranteed to dissipate quickly.
Anger is a strong emotion that can put our bodies under enormous stress - especially if it regularly
regularly boils up or - on the contrary - is often suppressed. Because if we don't regulate anger well, the increased stress level quickly affects our physical condition.
Outbursts of anger damage the body
During outbursts of anger, the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline, among others, are released at an increased rate, heart rate and blood pressure rise. Muscle tension increases and we breathe faster. If the anger dissipates quickly, our body regulates itself. However, if we indulge in anger more than we should and keep thinking about it, this can have physical consequences such as muscle tension, headaches and other impairments.
Suppressing anger is also harmful
As unhealthy as strong outbursts of anger may be, it is also harmful not to give anger any space at all.
Anyone who regularly suppresses their anger risks mental problems such as burnout, depression and anxiety disorders in the long term. "If anger is repeatedly neither consciously perceived nor expressed for a long time, depressive episodes in particular are encouraged," writes the health portal of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection.
So how do you manage to vent your anger on the one hand and become resistant to the resulting stress on the other?
Three tips: How to get rid of anger quickly
1. get annoyed
Sounds strange at first, but it offers first aid in an emergency: Don't be annoyed! It's perfectly okay. However, the anger should dissipate quickly so that it doesn't become unhealthy. Allow yourself to be angry and feel what feelings the anger triggers in you. Then you should quickly distance yourself from the anger and calm down.
2. the question of questions: Is it worth the trouble?
The anger doesn't go away, but slowly builds up to anger in your stomach? Then ask yourself one of these two questions in the next step:
- "Do I really want to pay so much attention to this nuisance that I spend so much time on it?"
- "How important will this nuisance still be next week?"
If you can answer these questions with "No!" or "Not at all" (which will usually be the case), you will now be able to relax quickly. Because often one of these two questions is enough to make you feel better and not give in to the anger completely.
3. relaxation exercise: finger pressure against permanent anger
However, if you are quickly "on 180" and would like to see a permanent improvement, small exercises can help you to quickly get a grip on the situation and reduce your stress level. One of these exercises is as follows:
1. sit down comfortably.
2. close your eyes.
3. place your thumb on the edge of your forehead above your eyebrows and press gently.
4 While holding the pressure for five seconds, inhale deeply through your nose.
5 Release the pressure and breathe out slowly through your mouth.
6 Repeat this two or three times.
Another exercise that can help to relieve stress immediately is the 4-7-8 breathing technique. You are welcome to try this out.
Long-term help with anger
If you want to reduce your stress levels in the long term, regular meditation and resilience exercises can help. You are welcome to try out free online yoga.
Health impulses with our 5-minute exercises
Our 5-minute exercises give you ideas for more relaxation, balance, activity and feel-good moments in your everyday work and private life. They are not a substitute for professional help from counselors and psychologists. Please seek professional advice if you are permanently depressed, suffer from persistent excessive stress and have deeper mental problems, for example from the pme life coaching.