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Graphic with pencils and the font Back to school

School starts again

"Now the serious side of life begins" - older generations like to give this saying to young pupils on this day. And they're not wrong, because while children used to learn intuitively and playfully in kindergarten, lessons, homework and classwork now provide a structure that they first have to get used to. New teachers, new subjects and new friends - school starters experience themselves and their learning personality in a completely new way during their first time at school.

As a Lernladen Leipzig (Link opens in a new window) we deal with the challenges of learning at school on a daily basis. From our wealth of experience, we give you seven helpful tips on how you can successfully accompany and support your children's first day at school right from the start:

  1. Try to let your child choose a different colored folder for each subject, which they can also design themselves. In this way, the schoolchild is already familiar with the "essence" of the respective subject in advance, establishes his or her own connection and will be more motivated to go to class.
  2. Make sure that your child only has the necessary materials with them. Although 30 different colored pencils are a wonderful invitation to draw, they are mainly a distraction and are not essential for successful learning.
  3. Do you already know other children in the class? It's great if your child finds a learning partner in the class early on, who can send homework if they are ill and from whom they can copy the lessons they have missed.
  4. Design a weekly planner together as a large poster and stick it in a place that is clearly visible to everyone, e.g. in the kitchen. The planner should include homework and study times as well as free time and gives the new daily routine a clear structure.
  5. Keep a close eye on homework and study times at the beginning and create rituals that your child will quickly remember: Go to the school desk together, look in the homework booklet and complete the noted tasks together, pack the satchel for the next day. And importantly: try to only give your child the necessary materials and clear the satchel of unnecessary and superfluous items. Additional tip: If the pupil is already older, it makes sense to read through the exercise books again in preparation for the new day to see what was last covered. This way, the pupil is mentally prepared for tomorrow's subjects, is familiar with the material and can immediately follow up on new content.
  6. Include your child's interests and strengths in the joint learning process. Is he or she particularly sporty? Think about movements for terms together. Does he like to draw? Design learning posters. Is your child good at learning by ear? Record short lectures together and listen to them again. Our tip: Linking all sensory organs and learning together is the most fun and brings the greatest learning success!
  7. Reflect on your child's learning development right from the start and focus primarily on their willingness to make an effort rather than their grades. It is important that children see the key to further development in their own actions, not in the assessment of others. A learning diary can be very useful here. Regardless of whether your child prefers to process their day in written or pictorial form: A learning diary is a worry eater, motivator and learning companion all in one and encourages valuable reflection.

We wish all school starters a successful start to their first school year!

Team Lernladen Leipzig school start

About our guest authors from Lernladen Leipzig

Children and young people who can learn independently, know their strengths and trust in them - that's what we love. As teachers, occupational therapists, social and educational scientists, we want to help them achieve this goal. That's why the Lernladen was founded.
Young people today are under great pressure to perform and succeed. This causes stress and means that natural learning processes are often blocked. This leads to even more stress and dissatisfaction - a downward spiral. The Lernladen stops this downward spiral and tackles it head on.
Not tutoring, but pre-help. Everyone has their own learning personality, which makes learning easier for them.

You can find out more about Lernladen Leipzig here: (Link opens in a new window) (Link opens in a new window)




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