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pme Au-pair Angie from Colombia with her German host family
Parent & Child

Au-pair of the year 2022 is Angie from Colombia

Angie Pineda from Colombia has been living with the Eigen family in Leverkusen since spring 2022. Angie has quickly found her place at the heart of the family's multi-generational home. "She enriches everyday life with great support, care and a Colombian attitude to life," says host mother Janina. Her host family and the pme Familienservice have chosen her as Au-pair of the year 2022. 

Culture shock on the first day 

Host mother Janina remembers Angie's first day in her new home very well. Together with her children Mina Lou (1) and Piet (3), the family made colorful welcome signs for their new Au-pair. But the excitement was great and the signs were left in the car. The warm welcome at the gate was followed by Angie's first culture shock in Germany - sparkling water.  

Living in a multi-generational house 

Whether signing a cell phone contract, registering with the authorities or opening a bank account: Angie quickly overcame the first hurdles in Germany. Along the way, the Colombian Au-pair has settled in with her large German host family. "Our family isn't just the four of us. We live under the same roof as our grandmas and grandpas. We like to spend our vacations with our aunts and uncles in Tenerife or Ibiza. Angie quickly found her place in the middle," recalls host mother Janina.

The Eigen family was also able to learn a lot about their au pair's country of origin. In addition to delicacies from Colombian cuisine, the whole family danced a lively salsa at Christmas. 

"Our children love them dearly!" 

The host parents Janina and Benni are very grateful to Angie for her great support in everyday life. They know that she looks after Piet and Mina Lou very carefully when their parents are at work. Host mother Janina is very sure of one thing: 

"No one is better at exploring dark caves, no one is better at playing tag and hide-and-seek, no one is better at jumping on the trampoline, no one is better at muddling in the sand, exploring forests, meadows and the sea, no one is faster at preparing oat milk when it is urgently needed and no one is better at feeding hungry mouths THAN YOU! That's why our children love you so much!"


About the "Au-pair of the Year" award from the pme Familienservice  

For the ninth time, a jury from pme Familienservice selected the Au-pair of the year from the applications received from host families. With this award, the pme Familienservice honors the courage and commitment of young people from abroad who leave their family and friends for a longer period of time. Every year, host families have the opportunity to show their appreciation for the work of their au pairs by nominating them. 

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