Episode 19: Addressing psychological stress
How we can recognize and respond appropriately to stress in our professional and private lives. Podcast host Olli Schmidt talks about this with Dr. Udo Wortelboer, a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy.
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To the data protection settings "Stress in everyday life can lead to mental illness if it is recognized too late. If we notice that someone around us is suffering from stress, it is important to approach them and talk to them. The earlier we identify signs of mental stress, the more effectively we can provide support.
In our 19th podcast episode, Dr. Udo Wortelboer, a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, and podcast host Oliver Schmidt talk about how we can recognize and respond appropriately to stress in our professional and private lives.
We discuss typical symptoms that indicate mental stress and offer practical tips on how you can help as a relative, colleague or manager without crossing the line into diagnosis.
In this episode you will find out:
2:40 min:
How can I recognize that someone in my professional or private environment is under psychological stress?
7:32 min:
What are typical symptoms caused by stress?
10:37 min:
How can you help as a relative, colleague or manager, and why should you not make any diagnoses yourself?
24:40 min:
How can I analyze which factors in the work environment could be stressful for an employee if the person themselves does not provide any information?
30:14 min:
What help can I offer as a manager if a team member is overloaded?
36:42 min:
Mental stress in the private sphere: what are the particular challenges?
HILFE concept: Practical help: Mentally ill at work. Understand. Prevent. Recognize. Overcome