What is BEM? - Procedure and advantages
Why does a company need to take up a BEM?
Kerstin Schermak: The legal regulation of BEM in Section 167 (II) SGB IX has been fundamental since 2004. It offers support for all employees and managers - without exception - and enables tailor-made solutions and support in individual (sickness) situations.
BEM relieves teams and reduces incapacity to work
What are the advantages for employers of introducing a BEM process?
Lots of them! I can list a few for you quickly:
- You support your managers in dealing with employees who are ill. Active responsibility for your employees has a positive effect on the working atmosphere
- You relieve the pressure on your teams through rapid reintegration after illness and reduce the risk of renewed incapacity to work
- You can use your commitment in your public image
- You comply with the legal requirements and gain certainty of action in legal termination proceedings.
If the BEM offers so many advantages, why do companies find it so difficult to implement an efficient BEM process?
Despite the legal regulation, the BEM is still treated very neglected in many companies. Many HR employees are assigned the topic even though they already have many other issues on their plate. They often simply lack in-depth expertise on the subject of BEM.
In addition, the topic is not taken seriously enough in many companies. Quite simply, implementation means a lot of work in advance, but it pays off. This is because a BEM process requires a precise focus: from the first invitation letter to the final discussion, where the success or failure of a measure must be examined in more detail. The united support of the management for the BEM also contributes significantly to the success of the implementation.
50 percent of those affected make use of the BEM offer
Can you give an estimate of how many BEM beneficiaries accept a trial?
Accepting the offer of a BEM process is an intimate matter for those affected. This is why the topic of health and illness must be openly discussed and communicated within the company. The more trustworthy and credible a BEM is conducted, the higher the response to participation. Experience shows that around 50 percent of those invited agree to a BEM process.
How does the employee benefit from a BEM?
Within a standardized framework, the BEM procedure offers very individual opportunities to help sick employees recover and prepare for a successful return to work. The causes of incapacity for work can be many and varied, and can be related to private or professional circumstances. Where possible, the conditions at the workplace should be designed in such a way that they promote the health of employees and make it easy for everyone to perform their work.
BEM is an opportunity for employees and employers. The focus is on creating healthy working conditions. And this benefits everyone, because healthy working conditions promote a good working atmosphere and benefit employees and employers alike.
Thank you very much for the interview!
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Do you have any questions or would you like more information? Please send us an email: bem@familienservice.de
Kerstin Schermak works for the pme Familienservice Group in occupational health management and is a trained CDMP consultant (Certified Disability Management Professional).